Heartbroken (4/4)

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I land at Shreveport and find Pam by her scent. She was deep in the woods with the whole crew: Sookie, Alcide, Eric, Bill, Jason, Jessica and Tara.

They were surrounded by at least twenty vampires. So I drop my bags, take out my glocks and start firing. I shot everyone of them in the heart and they turned into a pile of goo before Eric, Bill and Jessica could extract their fangs. Once they all look at me, shock laced their faces. More Alcide and Eric than anyone else. I blew the steam out of both of the barrels and tucked them in my belt.

"Y/N?" Alcide asks.

Eric speed over to me and tries to touch me.
He steps forward and I step back.

"Don't touch me, either of you. A simple 'thank you' would suffice." I say coldly.

"We thought you were dead. Why haven't you been answering our calls?" Eric asks.

"Are fucking serious? You actually cared for me because you thought I was dead. Interesting coming from the person that threatened to kill me and everyone that I love, you have no room to talk! And as for the one calls, ask the fish, because they were the only ones who heard the phone ringin'."

"What person in their right mind, would answer the calls of the two people who broke her heart? Does that make any sense to you?"
I add.

"We were going to apologize-" Alcide starts.

"I don't care nor do I want any apology coming from either of you. You two shattered my heart to pieces, and it took years for it come back together, years. And now that I am feeling like another person, you two wanna.. you know what fuck you both. You wanted the blonde, you got her. Now the leave me the fuck alone."

"We not going to stop until you forgive us." Eric starts.

"Well, don't hold your breathe. Because, as of now, you two? Are dead to me." I say coldly.

"You don't mean that." Alcide says.

"Oh, I mean every word... sound familiar?" I say.

I look passed both of them to see a smirking Pam. I walk passed them and embraces Pam in a hug.

"Damn, look at you, thunder thighs. Looks that Brazilian has done you good."

"Oooh. You have no idea. He wanted to come but, I didn't want him getting hurt. You know how psychotic bitches are in this town."

She smirks and looks at what I am wearing. My hair is straightened and it lays right below my boobs. I am wearing black shiny pants, jacket and boots. Yes, my body has grown fuller and I love it.

"Y/N?" I hear a voice pipe up.

I turn around to see the same blonde bitch who stole Alcide and Eric from me.

"I'm really glad you're back." She says with a smile.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I missed you as a friend." She say.

"Oh please. We never were friends."

"Well I hope we came become friends." She say.

I roll my eyes and say:

"Don't hold you breathe on that one."

"Anyway Pam, so how long am I staying?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. Hopefully for a while. I've missed your snarky comments." She says.

"Same here. Hey, where's Sam?"

"Oh, I know where he is. I'll gladly show you." Sookie chimes.

"No thanks, I would rather find him by scent."

"Come on, she's just trying to help." Jason says.

"Well, Jason. I don't want her help, I don't want of you guys' help. There are only two friends that I have in this town: Pam and Sam. Everyone else, is dead to me. The only reason why I am here is because Pam called me. If she didn't, then I would be as far away from here as possible."

"Why are you like this?" Jason asks.

"Ask them." I say referring to Alcide and Eric.

I grab my duffel bags and head to Merlotte's.

I knock on the door to his trailer and Sam opens the door only wearing boxers.

"Y/N?" He asks.

"In the flesh baby!"

He hugs me a lifts me off of the ground.

**Time skip**

I was sitting at the bar drinking bourbon when I caught a whiff of two familiar scents: Alcide and Eric. They sit on either side of me.

"Hey, Sam?"

"Yea?" He hollers.

"You mind if I take the whole bottle. I have a feeling on going to need it."


He turns the corner to see them sitting next to me and he growls. I raise a hand signaling wait.

"What do you want?" I say coolly.

"We just want to talk." Alcide says.


"Us." Eric says.

"There is no us." I say firmly.

"Can I talk to her in private?" Alcide asks Eric.

"Sure." He says before leaving.

Alcide turns me to face him and he asks:

"Do you hate me?"

"No, I don't hate you... I despise you." I say, a single tear escapes my eye.

He holds my face in his massive hand and caresses my cheek bone with his thumb.

"No matter what you say or how angry we may be at each other. Just know that I will always love you."

I slap his hand away and say:

"Stop lying to yourself! You never loved me."

I started to wolf out and Sam says:

"I think you should leave."

"I'm not going anywhere." Alcide says.

I growl at him and he growled at me. I threw the first punch, and that started one hell of a fight.

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