❄Day #51: E l f , R e i n d e e r , & S a n t a puns

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❄Day #51: E l f , R e i n d e e r , & S a n t a puns--

☃What do you call an ELF who sings? 

        A Wrapper!

What is a typical elf greeting?

        "Small world, isn't it?"

What do elves have to learn before they can read?

        The elfabet.

If Santa rides in a sleigh, what do elves ride in?

        Mini vans.

How long are an elf's legs?

        Long enough to reach the ground.

Why was Santa's elf depressed?

        He had low elf esteem.

Who makes toy guitars and sings, "Blue Christmas?"


What did the reindeer say before beginning his comedy routine?

        This will sleigh you.

Did Rudolph do to school?

        No, he was elf taught.

What does a reindeer say before telling a joke?

        This one will sleigh you!

What does a reindeer do when he has an upset stomach?

        He takes an elk-a-seltzer.

Which reindeer was known for his bad manners?


Why are Santa's reindeer always wet?

        Because they are rain deer.

What do you call a reindeer who wears ear muffs?

        Anything you want. He can't hear you, anyway.

If a reindeer lost its tail, where could he get a new one?

        At a retail store.

What do reindeer use to decorate their Christmas trees?


Do reindeer go to public school?

        No, they're elf taught.

Why does Scrooge love reindeer?

        Because every buck is deer to him.

What language does Santa Claus speak?

        North Polish.

Where does Santa Claus go swimming?

        The North Pool.

What kind of motorcycle would Santa ride?

        A Holly Davidson

What is Santa Claus' favorite cereal?

        Frosted Flakes.

What do you call Santa when he goes to the beach? 

        Sandy Claus.

How do Santa and Mrs. Claus travel?

        On an icicle built for two.

What name does Santa Claus use when he takes a rest from delivering presents?

        Santa Pause!

Why will Santa go down your chimney on Christmas Eve?

        Because it soots him.

If Santa and Mrs. Claus had a baby, what would he be?

        A subordinate Claus.

What would Santa's grandfather be called?

        Grandfather Claus.

What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?

        Claustrophobia !

Why does Santa have three gardens?

        So he can ho, ho, ho.

How many chimneys does Santa go down?


Where does Santa hide the presents he's giving to Mrs. Claus?

        An the clauset.

When Santa has a barn dance, what does he call it?

        A Ho Ho Ho Down.

The Christmas alphabet has Noel.

Some children call him Santa Caus since there is Noel.

Santa's elves are sometimes called subordinate clauses.

[I don't even celebrate Christmas, lol :3] 

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