☀Day #22: S t a t e puns [maybe jokes Dx]

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Day #22: S t a t e puns [these are jokes, and now I hate my life, because only 23% of these are puns.]

What's the only thing that grows in Seattle? 

        The Crime Rate! 

What's the difference between a Central Washington University sorority sister and a scarecrow? 

        ☁One lives in a field and is stuffed with hay. The other frightens birds and small animals. 

Why did the farmer plough his field with a steamroller?

         ☁Because he wanted mashed potatoes.

What's the only thing that grows in Seattle?

        The swelling from your head from getting jacked! 

Why do Washington State University grads keep their diplomas on their dashboards? 

       So they can park in handicap spaces. 

What does the average Washington State University student get on his SAT? 


Did you hear the one about the good-looking teenage girl who went on a fishing trip with six old men?

         ☁She came home with a red snapper.

What does a Cougars grad call a Huskies grad in 5 years? 


Why is "The Wave" banned in Martin Stadium? 

        Two Cougars fans drowned last year. 

Why did the Washington regents decide to cover Husky Stadium in cardboard? 

        Because the Huskies always look better on paper. 

What happens when Blondes move form Oregon to Washington?

        Both states become smarter!

Why aren't Central Washington cheerleaders allowed to do the splits? 

       they stick to the ground. 

What does a girl from Spokane do if she's not in bed by 10pm? 

        Go Home. 

Why do Washington Huskies basketball players use body heat activated deodorant? 

        Because it's the closet they will come to getting a "Degree". 

What does it say on the back of every Central Washington diploma? 

        Will Work For Food. 

Why should the Washington State Cougars change their uniforms to Orange? 

       So they can play the game, direct traffic, and pick up trash without changing. 

What's the one thing that keeps Huskies basketball players from graduating? 

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