◧Day #12: M a t h puns

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◧Day #12: Math puns --Because who doesn't love math? hey at least they're puns!

In high school I recall having a beautiful but difficult math teacher.

        ❒She was easy on the eyes and hard on the pupils!

I always prayed before my trigonometry tests.

        ❒I was hoping for a sine from above.

I wondered why my geometry class was always tired.

        ❒They were all out of shape

I stink at fractions.

        ❒I'm not half as good as the class.

Only the squares are doing well in geometry class.

        ❒It's their area.

Math class is full of drama.

        ❒There are so many problems to work out

You know what happens after you miss math class?

        ❒It starts adding up.

I strongly dislike the subject of math,

        ❒however I am partial to fractions.

I met a math professor who has 12 children -

        ❒she really knows how to multiply.

I asked somebody a question about pi,

        ❒their answer was never ending!

I knew I'd passed my thermodynamics exam, when the people who mark the degrees centigrade.

I'm bad at math, so the equation 2n+2n is 4n to me.

I used to hate maths but then I realised decimals have a point.

When the statistics professor and the math professor wrote a cookbook together, they called it 'Pi A La Mode.'

I was kicked out of math class for one too many infractions

I didn't understand the math, so the teacher summed it up for me.

Decimals have a point.

As long as the imperial system is in place a ruler will be afoot.

We're not getting anywhere in geometry class. It feels like we're going in circles.

I've failed the mathematics test so many times I lost count.

The best place for a mathematician is behind a counter.

I like my statistical data median rare.

The number 10210 is too intense.

The man who bought too much graphing paper didn't know where to draw the line.

In equations with square numbers I can never find the root of the problems

The calculus teacher tried to keep his students on task, but the class discussion kept going off on tangents.

The arrogant math teacher finally ate a slice of humble pi.

Finding all possible logical relations between a finite collection of sets is not a matter of If but Venn.

The mathematician worked at home because he only functioned in his domain.

The mathematician did not practice safe six and ended up with a binarial disease.

A mathematician that couldn't stop adding up recently went incremental.

Length times width times height speaks volumes.

The first order of priority in hiring math majors is get them to sine on the dotted line

The marine biology student took a math course called algae-bra.

My advanced geometry class is full of squares.

The top maths student's blood type was A+.

A summer is a mathematician.

 ❏Parallel lines have so much in common, it's a shame they've never met

[I need a personal assistant to remind me to do this everyday...]

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