◬Day #11: Hand/body/other body related puns✍

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◬Day #11: Hand/body/other body related puns [more body puns! yes~! okay maybe not so much D:]

Can you 'hand'le the truth?

   ✌Because I've gotta hand it to you, hands down you're the most 'hand'some dude here

     ✍and you're pretty handy to have around, too.

        I salute you, I congratulate you, and I put myself in your very capable hands.

Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One said to the other:

        ✌"you stay here, I'll go on a head"

Why did Captain Hook get a job at Goodwill?

        ✌Because he liked the idea of working at a secondhand store.

As the shoe said to the hat,

        ✌'You go on ahead, and I'll follow on foot'.

I don't think I need a spine.

        ✌It's holding me back.

What did the guy say, who needed the restroom, when he found someone blocking him?

        ✌'Urine my way'.

I always believed my body was a prison for me.

        ✌I was right, in biology I learnt they were made of cells.

Jill broke her finger today,

        ✌but on the other hand she was completely fine.

You want to clone yourself?

         ✌Now wouldn't that be just like you!

I tinted my hair today.

        ✌It was the highlight of my day.

My foul language has become routine.

        ✌It is par for the cuss.

Johnny got his leg cut off in an accident.

        ✌He's walking it off now.

A handlebar mustache may look ridiculous, but symmetrical eyelashes are even cilia.

It's a fact, taller people sleep longer in bed.

I really wanted a camouflage shirt, but I couldn't find one.

Gravity, it's always putting everyone down.

I try wearing tight jeans, but I can never pull it off

The crowd at the Cannibal's party grew silent when he announced he would be serving finger foods.

Contacts are easy to lose, so keep your eyes on them.

The ankle was an arch enemy of the heel because the heel had a sole that could neither toe the line nor keep instep.

A no-fly zone prohibits zippers.

I almost got my haircut then I thought I'd mullet over first.

Make no bones about it but the ulna has a humerus side to it.

I couldn't stand to be without my legs.

Masks have no face value!

Some people really enjoy blowing air out of their lungs - I'm not a fan myself.

I pursed my lips to 'coin a phrase'.

Old white blood cells lymph around the body.

Watching your own back is a sign of flexibility

If you have sticky buns you shouldn't put pants on.

Do you ever get tired of sleeping?

I can't really see myself without eyes.

To know avail is to know a scarf.

Most rules of thumb suck.

People who get complimented on their hair usually let it go to their head.

It's hard to wear your heart on your sleeve if all you own is tanktops.

His head may have been 12 inches long, but he didn't use it as a rule.

The cemetery is the dead centre. It's where the local bodies meet.

When my friend started to go bald, I tried not to laugh, but he looked hair-larious.

He was so skinny, his shoulder-blade kept cutting his shirts.


[p.s. check out the harry potter puns again, because I added a new pun into it, c:]

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