☯Day #40: P e o p l e puns

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Day #40: P e o p l e puns-- [part 1]

It was a sad day for the rattlesnake family,

        ✠the time had come for the children to strike out on their own.

What is the name of the immortal adolescent?


My brother wishes he could compose smutty verse as good as mine.

        ✠Is this scribbling ribaldry?

The ghost never took sides during arguments.

        ✠He was super neutral.

Even though he contributes either the X or Y chromosome,

        ✠when a father chooses the sex of his child it's just a sperm of the moment decision.

When the diva's vacuum cleaner broke,

        ✠she refused to use a broom because it just wouldn't be Hoover.

The mother kangaroo tried to instill good financial habits in her baby.

        ✠She told him to pocket all his allowance.

Because they moved into an apartment,

        ✠ they didn't need to cut the grass any mow.

Did you hear about the builder, who was retiring, and said to his Son, 'This is all yours now, son.'

        ✠His son said, sadly, 'I dunno, dad. You're a hard hat to follow!'

My wife's dad spends a lot of time in the bathroom.

        ✠He is my Father in Loo.

The fellow died before he was able to write his estranged daughter out of the will.

        ✠Death before disown her.

Did you hear about the father that was difficult to see?

        ✠He was transparent.

After getting pranked by his friends and getting hit with a basket,

        ✠Aron knew they had a wickerd sense of humour.

My father slept under the bed,

        ✠I think he was a little potty.

Conjoined twins aren't the only twins with special connections.

Most teenagers find a lecturing parent hear-resistable.

I knew my wife was pregnant when she looked at me with fertilize.

An opinionated but cheap person never truly gives their two cents.

The wise old man is long in the truth.

It's a clumsy reflection of yourself when you break a mirror.       

An heir is someone with a descent wage.      

To the flat dwellers finding a level playing field was a complex issue!             

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