☽Day #21: M o r e R a n d o m puns☾

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☽Day #21: M o r e R a n d o m puns☾ --pretty sure most of these are repeated, oops

If there was someone selling drugs in this place,

        ⌚ weed know.

Two frogs were asked if they were lying

        ⌚They almost got away with it, but one croaked.

The knight stood on the shoulder of the road, looking at his disabled car.

        ⌚He shook his head and said, 'Chevrolet is dead.'

The Spanish author would not bring refreshments to his uncles,

        ⌚but he would serve aunties.

Where do Cockney bakers live?

        ⌚The Yeast End.

My son's spelling test consisted of synonyms of the word incorrect,

        ⌚He was able to write every wrong.

Do you need to draw money? 

        ⌚I could offer you a pencil.

I just left the worst food themed theme park ever.

        ⌚Goodbye, Gruel World!

After manually rotating the heavy machinery,

        ⌚the worker grew very cranky.

I felt super exhausted after giving blood. 

        ⌚It's such a draining procedure.

Why was the broom having a bad day?

        ⌚He didn't get enough sweep.

I shouldn't have plugged my iPhone into the PC at the kitchen

        ⌚ It's now in the sync.

He's got a phonographic memory.

        ⌚He repeats the exact same old lines like a scratched record.

The carpenter came round the other day, 

        ⌚he made the best entrance I have ever seen.

Murder with knives is very messy.

        ⌚and I suggest not taking a stab at it.

The forest had burned down,

        ⌚but now it's back by poplar demand.

Broken puppets for sale.

        ⌚No strings attached.

I bought a ton of staples and pushpins all for $3.99,

        ⌚plus tacks.

I started dating the boy across the street.

        ⌚I know what people say, but honestly, lawn distance relationships aren't that hard.

I had an account with a bank in the North Pole,

        ⌚but they froze all my assets.

I don't like tops of stairs.

        ⌚They always bring me down

What was the leader of Russia's favourite food?


Learning to dance is a two-step process.

I had a hand in the puppet show.

Chefs learn their trait in the Cook Islands

It's a clumsy reflection of yourself when you break a mirror.

The best thing to carry with you when you start feeling tired is a knapsack.

In ancient Egypt, papyrus farmers taught people the importance of reeding.

When the cigarette lighter salesman tried to win back his old flame he found that he had met his match

The fraudulent caged chicken farmer gave himself free range with his egg labeling.

The doors just broke, I could fix it, but it hinges on other things.

Deep cuts were made in the guillotine industry and heads rolled.

When the drummer moved back in next door there were many repercussions.

Even the smallest egg farms are multi-layer organisations.

To the flat dwellers finding a level playing field was a complex issue!

A fat pirate is a vast matey.

Cartoons produced by the Japanese government are animes of the state.

The junior librarian was reincarnated as a bookmark because he always knew his place.

The hairless goat wished that it had mohair.

An egg pulls a cart with a yolk.

A yak is the star of an animal talk show.

The misdirected astronaut wasn't exactly over the moon.

Does working for UPS make you a professional boxer?

--two updates in less than an hour, oops-- 

update on my life: I have a neighbor, who I've been getting a ride from [his father drives] in the morning, but not anymore, AND NOW I'M MENTALLY DEBATING WHETHER OR NOT I SHOULD GO AND ASK HIM FOR A WALK. 

I can't do it though :c 

I need like a special kind of motivation. help? 

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