Chapter 43

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The weather was perfect for the day. The sky was blue, the heat from the sun wasn't too strong either. The chilly air put smiles on everyone who was currently busy looking out for souvenirs. Surprisingly, there's more amount of locals than foreigners. Most of them probably came from the city.

Seungyoun had a black Polo jacket and a white t-shirt in the inside. He looked very casual but still managed to drive you crazy. He was wearing his glasses, again, obviously, because his sight isn't perfect. His hair was fluffy and soft. It smelled like honey.

Youngdae stared at the man who was having a tough time on choosing the best keychain. He was holding a blue dolphin and a blue whale keychains. He was comparing its cuteness. Youngdae wanted to give an opinion but Seungyoun didn't seem to be needing one. He subconsciously stuck out his bottom lip, furrowing his eyebrows.

Cho Seungyoun, the cold looking CEO was having a hard time on picking either a dolphin or a whale keychain was better looking.

"Don't act so cute. My heart is throbbing." Youngdae said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Look, I love the whale but this freaking dolphin is giving me a look." Seungyoun shook his head.

"We've been standing here for 10 minutes. Why don't you buy both?"

There's a complete silence when Youngdae said it. Seungyoun stopped thinking for a while as he slowly glanced at his wife who was smiling awkwardly at him.

"I didn't think of that. Imagine being so stupid." A huge bright smile was plastered on his face as he handed 5000 Won to the woman who was also waiting for him to make a decision from the very first minute.

They finally made their way out from the small store. The scenery was very calming and relaxing. The place had a lot of people but it was not crowded. Maybe because it was huge, unlike the funfair. It was suffocating.

"The famous restaurant I told you yesterday, I heard they serve delicious ramen." Seungyoun said, wrapped his right arm around Youngdae's waist to keep them close with each other.

"Is ramen the only food you seek for." Youngdae chuckled. "You're slowly turning into Dohyon."


Shit. I am not supposed to know that.

Youngdae bit her lips, turning her head to the side to avoid eye contact with Seungyoun.

Fortunately, Seungyoun didn't bother to ask any questions. He was looking around the place, searching for the restaurant. She was not sure if he heard her but it's a relief that she didn't have to think of an answer if Seungyoun ask her how did she know that Dohyon loves ramen when they didn't really talk a lot after her accident.

"Holy shit. That's a lot of people." Seungyoun was disappointed as they stood 60 metres away from the restaurant to see a long line. People were already queuing up to get a place to sit.

"Wanna try lining up? you've been talking about it since last night." Youngdae asked, knowing that her man was highly anticipating to eat some bowls of ramen with her.

"You're gonna get tired from lining up. Plus, it's crowded there." Seungyoun scratched his head.

"You fool. I'm never gonna get tired if it's you." Youngdae smiled at him, patting his back.

Seungyoun's cheeks went pinkish as he quickly looked at the back, hiding his face. It's a rare phenomenon to see Seungyoun blushing. As a lover, if you succeed on making your man blush, it's one of the greatest thing.

"Come." Seungyoun walked fast towards the restaurant, pulling his hand off Youngdae as his pace fastened. He didn't want her to see him.

"Is that even Seungyoun?" Youngdae giggled, catching up to him.

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