Chapter 37

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"How about him?"

"I don't know him either."

Everyone was standing around the room while Youngdae sat there, saying she did not remember or recognise any of the people. The doctor looked at her data that he had been taking for over 2 weeks and was clearly confused of what was going on as well. She was supposed to be fine if she woke up.

Seungyoun ran his fingers through his black hair, sighing. It's a relief that Youngdae was finally conscious but she had lost her memories.

"Do you know who you are?" The doctor asked once more, taking down some notes on a paper.

"I don't." She said cluelessly.

"Don't you remember me?" Seungyoun suddenly spoke out, moving closer to her.

"Are you my brother?"

Dohyon facepalmed. Youngdae's parents were totally devastated. They tried to ask her if she, at least, have a slight memory of them but she didn't.

"He's your husband." Mrs.Hwang replied. "Cho Seungyoun." She continued again.

"I'm married?" Youngdae's eyes widened.

"Do you have some kind of feelings when you see him?" The doctor asked again, getting stressed with the situation.


The doctor gave a final look at Youngdae then turned his heel around, facing all her relatives.

"Everyone should leave the patient for a while. Mrs. Cho, we will proceed with a quick scanning to see if there is something strange with your brain. I will take you to another room." The doctor said, keeping his blue pen inside his pocket. "I didn't notice that there's a lot of you. Every room has its limit."

All of them decided to leave the room. It was pretty crowded for a few minutes in there. Seungyoun sighed for the hundredth times. His mind was messed up. He was glad that Youngdae was finally awake but it pained him to feel like a complete whole stranger for Youngdae. She had no memories of them together.

"Are you alright, honey?" Mrs. Hwang asked. She was nice. Youngdae is her daughter but she was able to control her emotions. She didn't go around, screaming like a maniac. Like the daughter, the mother herself was a very strong woman. That's the reason why Youngdae admired her mother a lot.

"I'm alright. Are you okay? do you need some rest?" Seungyoun asked, leading her to the nearest place to sit at along with Mr. Hwang on his left side.

"I'm fine. Things went pretty sad but I'm glad she's awake." The woman said, holding her husband's hand.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't protect her."

"Things happen for a reason, son. Something good is catching up to you both real soon. Have faith in your relationship." Mr. Hwang said, giving him a kind smile.

"Thank you for trusting me."

"You're a great man, Seungyoun."

"Youngdae is awake."

"Really?!" Jaebum accident choked on his food, coughing non-stop as he tried to control it but it got even worse. His face was red and his eyes were teary. Everyone in the restaurant was staring at them.

"Gosh, you're embarrassing me." Yuri lowered down her head, trying to cover her face with her long hair.

After a few seconds, Jaebum was back to normal. He was smiling like a little child as he grab another bite from his lasagna.

"Could you please slow down? do you wanna choke again?" Yuri hissed.

"What? never seen a man eat like this before?" He said, taking a big bite from it.

"Uh why am I still with you." Yuri rolled her eyes. She finished first than Jaebum since her food arrived 10 minutes earlier than the man's. Of course, she only ate salad.

She was scrolling down through her Instagram account, stalking her own profile. She was mentally praising her own looks.

Damn, I'm super hot. I love me.

And that's, the confidence we need, kids.

Jaebum wiped off his mouth with a tissue as he looked up at Yuri who was all focused with her iPhone.

"Yuri." He suddenly called out.

"What?" She replied, looking back at him.

"There's something... uh nevermind." Jaebum moved closer to the table as he extended his right arm to the front, hand making its way to her lips.

"Here." He wiped off the sauce from the edge of her lips using his thumb which released hundreds of butterflies in her stomach. She hate it, but love it as well.

Jaebum licked his thumb to clean it and that's all it took for Yuri to drop her phone. Panicked, Yuri moved to take her phone but dropped her handbag on the floor. Her lipstick rolled down to Jaebum's shoes so he smirked.

Can things get any better than this?

Yuri took her bag and phone but didn't dare to take her lipstick.

"Mㅡmy lipstick is right next to your foot." She stuttered.


"Take it?"

"Do it yourself." Jaebum grinned.

"Gosh. Its too far! Do you expect me to crawl down under the table?" Yuri said.

"Then just leave it there."

"You're so annoying." Yuri stood up, walking fast toward the door. With a blink, she was gone.

"Kang Yuri." Jaebum shook his head.

As Jaebum headed out, Yuri was standing outside the restaurant with a grumpy face.

"Not yet home?" Jaebum teased.

"My car's not here." Yuri bitterly responded. "Do you forget that we went here together?"

"Quit sulking." Jaebum sighed. "Have this. I don't wear lipstick." He said, handing back the lipstick.

"I'll send you home now."

Jaebum walked to his car with Yuri following him from behind, smiling.

"Thank you for helping me out, doctor."

"You shouldn't done this, Mrs.Cho."

"I have to. "

It's alright, don't be guilty Youngdae.

I love Seungyoun, but I love me too.


yes yall got it right. she had memory loss buT nOt rEaLlY (;

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