Chapter 17

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Cho Seungyoun:
Had to leave earlier for work
I'll be back around 6
Sorry Youngdae.

"Here we go."

She knew that someday this will happen. Seungyoun was busy everyday. He wasn't like that before they got married. He sometimes would take a few days off and spent some day with Youngdae. A few things changed after they're married. He went to his work early and sometimes he came home late. He didn't talk a lot with Youngdae like how he used to. His office room was where he spent his time the most.

It annoyed her how he refused to go out with her to buy some groceries by making up stupid excuses. True that he was busy and had to finish so much works but he should at least rest and talk with her, joke around. Youngdae do realise that she had no rights to stop him since their relationship wasn't supposed to be like that. Both were free to do anything they wish to but as a human, she has feelings too.

Dohyon couldn't come to their house everyday and he was currently busy with his exams. Youngdae had to live alone again, just like her old days when she was still single or after her clash with Jaebum. Honestly, that was better. She didn't have to worry about everything or even feel completely alone.

Different than now, she felt like she's abandoned. It might sound a bit selfish but maybe she wasn't used with this Seungyoun who's 24/7 busy.

Sighing, Youngdae decided to go out somewhere and treat herself since nobody else could. Her car was at her old apartment so she drove one of Seungyoun's car. She already had his permission.

It was awkward to drive such a modern and branded car. She was being careful, not wanting to leave a tiny scratch or worse, hitting other car. She went to Heeju's restaurant that was recently opened 3 months ago. They served a bunch of Korean foods and western ones too. Very versatile.

She parked the car right in front of the restaurant, earning some looks from the customers. Youngdae smiled awkwardly as she stepped out from the shining red car that belonged to her husband.

Heeju who was taking down some orders diverted her attention to her best friend who was already settling down at the corner of the room.

The restaurant had so much costumer on that day. Heeju and the other workers were busy handling stuff around and had to deal with rude aunts or uncles or even teens who didn't seem to have manners at all.

Since Heeju was busy, a male waiter approached Youngdae and smiled sweetly before politely asked for her orders. The main reason why she came to the restaurant was because she was bored and wanted to talk with her best friend but she came on the wrong day. Heeju's Korean cuisines restaurant was getting hotter and hotter.

"Japchae and Omija tea would be fine. Thank you." She said. The male waiter nodded his head and repeated her orders. He was stealing a few glances and couldn't help but smile at her.

"Your order will be served in 10 to 15 minutes. There's a lot of people coming these days." The waiter said, still standing still.

"Ah, I noticed that." The waiter nodded his head and looked around. Youngdae looked at the man since he was supposed to pass her orders but he was still standing solidly next to the table. Noticing that Youngdae was giving him a questioning look, the waiter quickly walked away to the counter and passed a paper to Heeju. Heeju raised up her hand waved at Youngdae who was pouting like lost child.

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