Chapter 25

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"He's back?"

When Youngdae noticed that Seungyoun's car was neatly placed in its spot, she began to speak to herself. He usually only arrives around 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening, and it was only 4:00.

She set the paper bags on the floor as she entered her house. Seungyoun, who was nowhere to be seen. He was also not in the living room.

Youngdae took a gentle approach to the stairs so as not to disturb Seungyoun if he was sleeping. She entered his bedroom, which was only partly open, and saw his wallet and coat on the bed after a quick check. The guy wasn't even in his room.

Youngdae closed the door and decided to look for him at his office room. Weird but she's suddenly feeling nervous. She didn't expect him to get home much earlier. It's either a bad or a good sign.

After knocking the door several times, she pulled down the handle and called out his name.

Seungyoun was sitting on his black leather chair, staring at his phone.

"Hey." Youngdae smiled awkwardly as she entered the room, closing the door behind her.

"Where have you been?" The male asked, tapping something on his phone. It looked like he was texting with someone.

"I went to the store to buy some groceries. We ran out of supplies." Youngdae said, still standing near the door. "What else?" Seungyoun looked up, looking right into her eyes.

"I went t-"

Oh damn, did he figured it out?

"You went out with Jaebum, right?"

Seungyoun stood up and walked around his table. His index finger ran across it as he walked slowly. By that time, Youngdae knew something was off and she was certain that it was because of Jaebum.

She was ready to get scolded again but a bit tired of arguing.

When he's upset, it's the end of the world even if he occasionally displays extreme softness and kindness toward her. When angry, Seungyoun was terrifying. Given that, Youngdae moved a little closer to the front. She was getting her remarks ready to make a defence.

"I did. We talked about random stuff and that's it." She said.

"That's it?"

"Of course!" Youngdae raised her voice a little. Seungyoun sighed, taking his phone from his table.

"How sweet."

When Seungyoun showed Youngdae a picture of her and Jaebum at the cafe, she immediately felt sick. He was caressing her on the head. People were completely misled by the photo despite knowing exactly what occurred. It's not like they are flirtatious or affectionate with one another. It was merely a friend's comforting pat. Nothing further.

"Let me explain."

"This picture is the explanation." Seungyoun said.

"Really? you're gonna argue with me again just because of this?"

"You started this, Youngdae. I went out to work while you're out there cheating on me with your ex b-"

"Isn't this marriage a contract?" Youngdae yelled.

Seungyoun instantly shut off. Youngdae felt awful for saying it, to be honest. Although she was terrified to offend him, a voice inside of her urged her to just let everything out.

"Sure." said Seungyoun. "Yes, there is a contract, but if anyone learned about it, Rowoon would take over as chairman instead of me. You will be at blame." The man went on.

"So please, wait for another few months and we'll split up. It's that easy."

It is only easy for you.

Since they were married, none have been simple. For the most part, she was depressed and alone. A few times, Seungyoun made her feel joyful, but things quickly got out of hand. She was hurt by him most of the time.

He may be able to say so simply because he wasn't the one who was in pain. Or perhaps he did, too.

Crazy, yet it had been about a year since their meeting and Youngdae had been living with him for several months. So many things happened in just a year.

"You are always like this." Youngdae muttered.

"Are you blaming me now?"

"Can you point out my fault? I would like to see it." Youngdae argued.

"Wow? then what's that?" Seungyoun pointed at his phone.

"At least I didn't bring him to this house and ask you to cook for us."

"Don't bring up Sora into this matter." Seungyoun warned.

"She should've known it's wrong to follow a married man to his house." Youngdae laughed. She was about to leave the room but Seungyoun stopped her by blocking her way. He stood right in front of the door, not letting her to pass him by.

"Please respect Sora a bit more. She's a nice girl." He whispered.

"Do you like her that much?" Youngdae's voice began to crack. She had been acting tough and strong since the very beginning and now she was already losing it.

"What if I do?"

Her entire world was about to fall apart. Her chest was in immense pain as tears streamed down to her cheeks. She ought to be okay, but she wasn't.

Seungyoun was shoved to the side as she stormed out of his office. When their bodyguard Younghyo questioned her about why she was crying, she just ignored him. She wanted to be away from everyone.

Before sitting in the room's corner, Youngdae slammed the door shut and locked it. She had cried countless times, too many to count.

She hated Sora, as well as Seungyoun. As much as she wanted to leave the house and go back to her apartment but that's not going fix anything. She'll get more depressed.

When Jaebum cheated on her, she wished that he will make it up with her but he never did. Same thing was happening again and it felt like déjà vu.

She stared the door in the dim expectation that Seungyoun would knock on her door, hug her, and apologise as he frequently did whenever he made a mistake.

Just like Jaebum, he never did.


guess who said she was going to update everyday but broke her promise

its me. with that, heres a gift.

ps: shamelessly promoting my other fic

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ps: shamelessly promoting my other fic. check it out or ill appear in ur dream in a form of a gingerbread.

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