Chapter 8

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The day she decided to move out with Seungyoun had arrived, Youngdae locked herself in her bedroom and perched on the edge of her bed with her closets open.

She didn't hate it but she barely even knew his name. Isn't that precarious?

She loved her apartment. It's her own little space. Youngdae had never been to Seungyoun's place before except when he brought her to his parents' mansion.

Being a woman she is, Youngdae was already thinking way too ahead. She couldn't stop thinking of how would it be to live under the same roof with Seungyoun. Does she have to prepare foods for him? because she certainly would probably put the house on fire.

Youngdae ran his fingers through her long hair, sighing deeply. She thought to just go with the flow because that's how her life works for now. What happen, happens.

Youngdae was abruptly brought back to reality as her house bell rang. She got out of bed and made her way out the door of her bedroom. She turned the doorknob and yanked open the door. A tall, slim figure suddenly appeared in front of her, almost causing her to fall to her knees. While softly grinning, Seungyoun waved his hand. He being so early surprised her. It was barely after ten in the morning so he was supposed to be at work. On that day, Heeju was also preparing to visit her home. Expect the unexpected; if the quote was a person, it would be him.


"How do you know this is my house?"

"Aren't you gonna let me in first?"

Youngdae took a quick glance behind to see if there is anything in her house look disgusting or inappropriate before making a way for the man to come in. There was a small section for shoes or any footwear and Seungyoun placed his leather shoes on the top of the rack.

Since it was Youngdae's house, he waited for her to lead the way. Then Youngdae invited him to have a seat on the sofa while she made him a drink. Seungyoun sat down on the plush couch after nodding. He probably thought the flower artwork on the wall to be quite uninteresting, so he turned his attention to Youngdae as she poured orange juice from the bottle. Youngdae muttered in irritation when some of the juice spilled from the glass.

Seungyoun grinned as he noticed Youngdae's bedroom in front of him. The door was in the way, making it impossible for him to see everything within. On her bed, he could see a giant teddy bear, which he thought was absolutely adorable. Youngdae arrived a little while later with two cups of orange juice and gave the man one of them.

"Thank you. I love orange juice." Seungyoun said.

"That's the only thing left in the fridge." Youngdae chuckled. Seungyoun took a sip and nodded his head, telling her that it's good. Both of them put their drinks on the small table in front of them as Youngdae waited for him to talk.

"So, you are staying at my place from today on." Seungyoun said.

"You know that there's a bunch of things that I need to pack right?" Youngdae commented.

"All you need to bring with you is your clothes."

"I have a bunch of clothes. My sweater, my shirts, my pants, some of my bags, shoes, Mr. Bearㅡ"

"Mister who?"

Youngdae was embarrassed because she named her huge teddy bear as Mr. bear and she owned it since she was only 13 years old. That teddy meant a lot for her since her father bought it on her birthday and it cost a lot when they didn't even had enough money to buy it.

"It's my teddy bear. It's huge." Youngdae said. 

"Just bring a few outfits and Mr. Bear because we'll buy more for you later. You can leave mostly everything here. You can leave even everything here." Seungyoun took his orange juice and finished it.

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