Chapter 21

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Noises emanating from the living area woke Youngdae up. It sounded as though someone was watching television down there. When she took a quick look at the time, it was almost ten in the morning. In order to wash her face and brush her teeth, Youngdae got out of bed and went to the restroom.

She then put on her favourite Adidas sweatpants and a yellow t-shirt. She exited her bedroom and went downstairs after putting her hair up in a basic ponytail.

As she approached, she noticed that Seungyoun was concentrating on his phone rather than the television. It was pleasant to meet him after a few weeks. She yearned to chat with him and feel his warmth again.

"You are not going to work today?" Youngdae questioned as she approached from behind and sat down on the opposite side to face him.

"No." He replied shortly.

Youngdae frowned because he wasn't looking at her and all busy with his gadget.

"Are you okay? you look moody." Youngdae hesitantly asked.

"Do I look okay?"



Youngdae felt down one more time. Why is he like this? am I not that important anymore? is this because of Sora? am I that useless to him now?

"Can you please tell me what happened?" She questioned.

"Did you have fun with Dohyon?"

Youngdae couldn't even speak. Has something occurred? Why did he bring Dohyon up to this matter? Was he upset that she continued to invite his brother to visit her just because she was alone and needed someone to talk with?

"What do you mean?"

"I can see that both of you are getting really well now." Seungyoun said, throwing his phone next to him. It almost fell from the couch but at this point that didn't matter anymore.

She had grown weary of Seungyoun's lack of straightforwardness. She wanted to uncover all of her misdeeds so that she could fix them, but as far as she can recall, she didn't do anything wrong. She was completely isolated in the house after all.

"Really close that you're letting him to interfere our relationship. Our marriage." Seungyoun raised his voice a little. By looks, he was definitely angry.

"What do you mean I let him interfere?" Youngdae was genuinely confused.

"How did he knew about Sora then?" Seungyoun questioned. Youngdae shut her mouth quickly and tried to look for an answer but she can't. "What did you told him?"

"I didn't say anything. I truly did nothing." Youngdae said.

"Lies and lies. I didn't know what had gotten into that kid but I don't like how he talked about our marriage. I don't want you to drag him into this matter anymore. Do you get me, Youngdae?" Seungyoun said, staring at her. Youngdae nodded her head. She assumed that Dohyon accidentally told his brother what Youngdae had previously said to him about Sora. Really, it wasn't anything. She was merely informing him that Seungyoun had returned home with his assistant. Just that. She did not indoctrinate him with a hatred for Seungyoun or Sora.

Seungyoun was acting strange. It is a lie to say that she was unaffected by his coldness. She felt the effects. She felt upset by his changes in attitude, or perhaps she was just mistaken. She never really got to know him. Allegedly, he proposed to her just 20 minutes after learning each other's names, and a few days later, she said yes.

"Seungyoun, why are you so distant lately?" Youngdae's lips turned into a thin line, scared of his replies.

"What do you mean by distant?"

Youngdae, wake up. He's not yours. What are you saying?

"You're busy. Very busy. At work and here. That's why you're home late?"

"Yes, you knew that." Seungyoun sighed.

"Is it really because you're busy?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"It's not because of Sora?"

Youngdae lowered down her head immediately once Seungyoun stood up.

I make him upset.

"I can't believe this. I was obviously working so hard and yet you're accusing me to cheat on you?" Seungyoun asked. Both his hands were on his hips. Youngdae wanted to cry again so she looked down, not wanting to let any tears fall down.

"I know what Jaebum did and I am not like that. Stop it!" Seungyoun yelled.

Youngdae inhaled deeply. She may have been at blame for bombarding him with absurd questions.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't ask you that." Youngdae apologised. She was already on the verge of crying. She was sad, and her emotions were difficult to control. She had never previously fought with Seungyoun.

"Why aren't you looking at me?"

Youngdae avoided crying in front of him or she will once again expose her fragility so she kept her head down. Her heart was far too flimsy and delicate. She lacked much strength.

"Do you think I'll cheat? I'm not like that. Please put some trust on me." Seungyoun said as he approached her, kneeling down so that he could see her face.

Youngdae immediately got up to avoid making eye contact with him. He quickly stopped her by grasping her wrist as she was ready to head for the stairs. She was drawn in close to Seungyoun. She was wearing their wedding ring.

He was wearing it too. Not for people to see but to know he's married.

"I hate this." Youngdae said.

"Why are you questioning me? Sora is only myㅡ"

"I am sorry. I'm not mad if she's becoming someone in your life. It's really okay." Youngdae pulled herself from standing too close with the man.

"I'm not gonna cheat on you."

"This is a contract, Seungyoun. It's fine. Get to know her well. When this ends, she'll replace me. It's really okay."

With that Youngdae walked away as she climbed up the stairs and ran to her room. Seungyoun stood there hopelessly, running his fingers through his messy hair.

But I don't have any plan to replace anyone on your place, Youngdae.

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