Chapter 4

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Youngdae first met Seungyoun three weeks ago, and after deciding to become his wife, nothing happened. Since she didn't believe she was suitable to be someone's wife, especially given that Seungyoun is such a professional man, good-looking, wealthy, and a genius; literally perfect—she wondered occasionally if Seungyoun was simply playing around with her or even cancelled the offer.

Youngdae made the decision to take a quick shower before leaving after staring at the ceiling and contemplating her less-than-optimistic future. In order to clear her clouded head, she needed to breathe and inhale some fresh air. She was lost as to what she was expected to do now.

She put on her most favourite hoodie, yellow in colour with a small quote on the chest; "carpe diem", and lastly a pair of skinny jeans.

Looking at the mirror, Youngdae was just about to tie her hair like she usually does but suddenly, "Oh wow, you look much better like this. Queen." She said, to herself, jokingly. So she left her hair untie and combed with her fingers to look neat. Once she's done, she took her sling bag before going out from her apartment.

She sometimes experienced extreme anxiety when walking alone in the parking lot, thus the fact that the parking lot was not that far from the elevator was quite beneficial. She got inside her car after unlocking it, closed the door, and locked it.

"Alright. Where do we go?"

On that day, the weather was really pleasant. Youngdae continued to drive aimlessly since she was still unsure of her destination. She stopped her car when the light turned red, inhaled deeply, and gazed up at the lovely sky.

A notification came in and she flinched a little due to the loud sound. Youngdae took her phone that was placed on the next sit.

"Who-" Her eyes widened and she blinked a few times as Seungyoun's name popped on her screen, with a message on it.

Cho Seungyoun:
Look on your left side.

Youngdae was confused but she obeyed after all, turning her head to the left. She saw a black Audi R8 with Seungyoun, smiling at her.

Cho Seungyoun:
It's been long. Wanna meet up?

im not going anywhere
yes sure

Cho Seungyoun:
Okay. My lead.

Youngdae was about to ask where they were going but the light turned green and Seungyoun seemed to speed up so she quickly followed behind.

They came to a stop in front of a cafe a short while later. Youngdae favoured dining there. In addition, she met Seungyoun in the same cafe. She had no idea why Seungyoun had chosen that location, but because she was stuck there with no other option, she chose to keep quiet and walk alongside the man.

Youngdae went out from her car when she saw Seungyoun walking towards her car. He was looking good, once again. He was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

"Hello." He said, casually leaning on Youngdae's car, arms on his chest, smiling. He looked brighter than usual. Youngdae replied him with smile as she closed the door.

"Let's go inside. I have something to talk about."

He still found Youngdae to be rather awkward, plus she was genuinely shy. Youngdae tried to act like a cool woman also since Seungyoun exuded such a cool aura, not because she was having any romantic sentiments for him. She didn't want to appear foolish or uncoordinated in front of him. She couldn't explain why.

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