Chapter 41

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The floor was occupied with a bunch of random people from the resort. The hall was huge but Youngdae still felt like she's lacking so much oxygen. Never thought that the party would be this wild.

The loud sounds coming through the speakers from every corner of the room annoyed Youngdae so bad. Seungyoun surprisingly met a friend from his high school years ago and they were talking, laughing together. Youngdae remained at the less crowded spot, looking at the people.

She was offered a few glasses of beer but remembering how badly she got drunk two years ago haunt her. It was a bad, embarrassing memory that should be forgotten. She get drunk pretty easily. She's a bad drinker.

Her eyes ended up falling at a guy, who was sitting across the room. He was looking at her as well. She was about to look away but the guy shot a friendly smile so she returned it back because she's not that rude.

Youngdae groaned when she saw him walking to her. Just like all the dramas she have seen in the tv, it's happening now. The dude walked passing by everyone, struggling a little to reach her and once he did, he offered a handshake. Suddenly.

"Hey. I'm Hanjun." He said, extending his hand forward.

"Youngdae." She hesitantly took his hand.

"Are you alone?" Hanjun asked, taking a sit next to her as he looked around.

"No. I'm with someone."

"Ah, alright. Left alone aren't you?" He chuckled. Youngdae smiled bitterly, nodding her head.

A staff came in with a tray on her hand, handing two glasses of beer. Youngdae gulped anxiously. "Thank you."

Hanjun handed her one of it and Youngdae took it without even trying to refuse. She knew it'll end up real bad but she didn't want to look snobbish or what. This is her habit, cares about others than her own self. She will get into trouble.

"Cheers." He raised the glass a bit higher, "Cheers.." Youngdae awkwardly did the same thing, contemplating her life choices.

The liquid went down through her throat, feeling so unfamiliar about it since it had been so long since she took alcoholic drinks. It's weird, but somehow she enjoyed it.

Thank goodness the memory was crystal clear so she quickly put the glass away, telling Hanjun she can't drink more. Hanjun was disappointed but nodded his head as he placed his glass next to Youngdae's.

"It's kinda heavy in here right?" The male smiled, eyes roaming all over the places to see all the people dancing, drinking, chatting and laughing with each other. "Yeah." Youngdae simply answered .

They talked about random stuff and surprisingly, Hanjun was a friendly guy. He didn't go around and flirt with her like how she expected him to be. He came to the resort with his brother since the brother thought that Hanjun needed some quality time after breaking up with his long-term fiancée.

He told her it pained him but he believed it was for the good. He didn't really have the desire to find another woman because his love for her former partner was still strong enough.

"It's alright. You'll find a better woman for yourself." Youngdae said. Yup, that's the only thing she could say.

"People told me that but what if I said I've actually lost that one." He chuckled then shook his head.

"I'm sorry if I talk a lot. My mind is a mess." He said, taking a sip from the beer. "Enough with my story. How's your life?"

Talking about your private life to a complete stranger is not really the best thing to do but since he had already told a small slice from his life, she thought that telling him a tiny bit about hers was no harm.

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