Chapter 2

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Youngdae's head was spinning when she awoke from sleep, and her vision was fuzzy. In an effort to find her phone, she searched her room. On the floor it was only then she realized that the area around her was disorganised.

It was already 12 o'clock when she reached for her phone. She forced herself to tidy up all the mess she had created while she still had some energy left.

She started to think about her ex-boyfriend once more. Her heart hurt terribly. Their third anniversary was supposed to be on next week since they had been together for over three years. She took their relationship very seriously because he was truly precious to her. He had previously met her family too.

Jaebum was a nice person. He was there for her every time she needed him and whenever she was at her lowest point. He accepted her inside out despite her imperfections. Jaebum, in all honesty, helped Youngdae become a better person.

So why did this happen?

She couldn't believe that the person she trusted the most had deceived her, cheated on her and wasn't even sorry. She waited, hoped, and wished that her loved one would call, tell her what had happened, and make things right enough for them to be together again.

Why is there not a single call from you, love?

Youngdae tried to remain optimistic despite how difficult it was for her to carry everything all by herself. How she wish to listen to her parents' words of support and encouragement, but she was at a loss for how to explain her current dilemma to them. She didn't want to worry her parents. She only desired for them to have a joyous smile on their face.

She sighed, struggling to regain her composure.

Youngdae made a sudden decision to go outside without giving it any further thought. She was aware that ultimately everything would return to normal. Eventually.

After a quick shower, she changed into a white hoodie and some trousers. Her hair was then pulled back in a ponytail. Her face and eyes were swollen, and the eyebags in her eyes were horrendous and visible. It doesn't matter because looks were useless for her.

He don't wanna look at me anywyay.

Her gaze scanned the entire cafe. Then, at the rear, she noticed a small unoccupied table. There was less noise there, and Youngdae thought it to be the ideal location for those seeking privacy.

A female waiter arrived to take her order after she had settled in. Youngdae placed her customary order for a cup of hot chocolate and a vanilla muffin. Before the young waitress could respond, a tall young man in a grey suit approached them.

"Another hot chocolate for me please, thank you."

They both appeared to be taken aback, but the waitress nodded and excused herself regardless before heading to the counter. Youngdae was completely perplexed and questioned what the stranger was doing.

"Excuse me, sir? may I help you?" Youngdae asked politely.

"I appreciate you for asking. May I have a sit?"

Youngdae allowed him to seat straight in front of her albeit being quite baffled and mildly frightened out. She simply allowed a complete stranger to sit next to her, and it was clear that he was gazing deeply into her soul.

The man appeared to be a very successful individual based on his outward look. He was orderly and tidy. His black hair made him look expensive, his exposed forehead made him look much more alluring. His nose was flawless, and his eyes were sharp. He also has excellent body composition.

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