Chapter 27

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She will meet Jaebum the following morning to ask several questions, as Youngdae had said the previous night. She knew it was a matter about her marriage and it's inappropriate to seek help from another man, especially when it's someone she had relation with before. Still, she needed someone to talk to, and she thought Jaebum can be the one.

She once spent half of her life in love with him. She could spend her days with and never felt bored. She enjoyed having him around. They were deeply in love until that one particular night.

Who would've thought the creepy stranger who proposed her 20 minutes after acknowledging her name would give a heavy impact on her life.

The pain he left on her was as hard as the pain Jaebum did. 

She was expecting something better. She was She was hoping for a better outcome. Given that everything was simply a contract, she had predicted that everything would go smoothly . Seungyoun will take his throne, and she will get the money. They will split up in the future and pretend like nothing happened. Both will continue their daily lives separately.

However, things went exactly the opposite way He hurted her ㅡ It's not like he intentionally mistreated her because he was evil; rather, it was due to her own emotions.

If I have no feelings. Maybe, just maybe. . .

It's foolish. All of these were not supposed to affect her but seeing him giggling with other girls wounded her. Seeing him hang around with other girls angered her. She was irritated when she witnessed him acting so sweetly toward other women. She should be the one. She was in constant pain because of this. She herself was to blame, after all.

As Youngdae walked to the park, she texted Jaebum to ask for his location.

Im Jaebum:
im buying an ice cream
do you want one?

i'm good
where should we meet?

Im Jaebum:
near the water fountain
you can go first
ill be there in a sec

Youngdae tucked her phone away once more and went in search of the location Jaebum had specified. When she spotted the water fountain, she started looking for a bench to sit on.

She decided to sit on the seat next to a massive tree that was surrounded by chattering birds. She smiled as she observed the children running and playing in front of her. How cute.

If she ever had children, she would bring them here so she could see them playing around. And she'll sit there with their father.


She struggled to erase the visual picture of Seungyoun that suddenly appeared in her head because she was ashamed of her own thoughts.

He would be a good father, a funny one to be exact.

Jaebum arrived a little while later holding an ice cream and grinning cheekily. "Hello, girly." He greeted, sitting down next to her.

"Wassup, old man."

"Hey, I'm only 3 years older than you."

"Can't believe I dated an old man." Youngdae dramatically shook her head. Jaebum frowned as he licked his mint chocolate ice cream.

"Oh my, ew! Toothpaste!" Youngdae screeched.

"Wow rude!" He jokingly kissed his ice cream.

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