Chapter 1

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Hwang Youngdae was lying on the long couch on her back at three in the morning, her eyes heavy and her face crimson. She swore she had never felt so exhausted and that everything felt so heavy to her.

She was there, attempting to breathe while the memories instantly came back to her mind, making her feel ill and queasy. She felt worthless, useless, angry, unhappy, annoyed, guilty, and enraged. Everything was too much. The photo of her and her ex-boyfriend was still leaning up against the wall. They were happy. His arms were around her waist when the shot was taken, and she was grinning broadly. 

How foolish she was to believe their happiness would last forever.

Happy ever after?

Today marked the worst day of her life. She truly chose to ignore that Sunhee, a coworker, had been unfriendly to her from the beginning. It didn't really bother her that she was disliked by someone in her office. She believed that as long as her reputation was good, she would be fine.

As soon as she sat down, Sunhee approached her. She had a sly grin on her face. Youngdae had a hunch that terrible things were about to happen, and she was right.

She received a huge scolding from the company's CEO. The old man's voice was ringing in her ears. She was accused of being a careless worker as well as of intimidating her coworkers. Despite the lack of evidence, she was still at fault. Or maybe the CEO happened to be against her too. She made several attempts to explain, but nothing was successful until she started to argue with the man about the situation, at which point he yelled, "You ungrateful woman, you're fired!"

Ah, crap. Why did I even work so hard to get into this company?

Im Jaebum, a man she believed could make her gloomy day bright once more, was the only person who she thought could provide her with the support she needed. Later in the day, she went to his apartment.

Her eyebrows twitched when she heard heaving breathing and groans coming from within. She was numb and her heart was racing. What was that feeling consuming her heart and mind? is it fear? confusion?

Her mind was foggy, still trying to wipe off all the bad thoughts inside her head. He's just watching a movie.

"How are you this pretty?"

The voice wasn't loud but she could hear it all. Of course, she can, it's his voice after all.  

In a second, she opened the door with terror in her eyes. Something she never imagined to happen as she noticed two figures on the couch without a scrap of fabric covering them. She felt so dizzy for some reason but she had to speak. She had to.

Need to get him back.

Jaebum sighed and got to his feet while reaching for a towel to cover his lower region. Youngdae became even more irritated when the unfamiliar woman running away, entering his room being completely naked. 

"What the hell is happening?" yelled Yongdae. Her heart was on the verge of exploding, and her eyes were tearful. She pleaded to God to wake her up if it was a dream at that very time. An absolute nightmare.

"You saw it. I cheated."

Youngdae was stunned, her heart shattered beyond repair. She asked him to take back his words and apologise. She wanted him to embrace her, but at that point, it was something beyond something that she can even dream of.

"why are you doing this?" As always, her voice was gentle.

"Youngdae, I'm sorry but I think that it's time for us to cut down this relationship. It won't work."

"Then make it work! We should work for it!"

"We can't. I've lost my interest in you. I'm sorry. Please leave."

She started crying once more and by the look of it, it won't stop for a while. A few beer cans were close to her, and her phone was on the floor. Her heart felt like it was being sliced open by numerous knives while her head was whirling wildly.

"Still breathing."

Her red, swollen eyes were growing heavy. Her eyelids slowly closed as she contemplated whether life still had any purpose for her. She is no longer even useful to anyone, after all.


First chapter published! Thank you for reading ♡

updated note; this was written back in 2019. some parts may be cringe. just a heads up!

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