[Imagine] [Lemon] Midorima Shintarou x Reader [Kuroko No Basket] Sweet

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Man proposes, God disposes. I am a man that proposes, I always carry my lucky item of the day with me as my horoscope said. That's why my shots never miss.❞ ~Midorima Shintarou

[Imagine] [Lemon] Midorima Shintarou x Reader [Kuroko No Basket] Games

Requested By: ore-sama-wa-kakkoii

By Bry_anime. I bet by the end of this long imagine, that I can make you laugh.

You were getting ready to go to a beach house that your parents owned, with your older brother Murasakibara, best friend Kuroko and long term boyfriend Midorima. It was spring break and all four of you planned to make the best of the free time you all had.

You stepped out of your room in your new bikini that you bought especially to impress Midorima.

"Why do girls take so long when they get changed? Everyone else is ready," Your brother joked as he saw you closed your bedroom door. Your beach bag full of supplies -which consisted of sunscreen, sunglasses, a beach towel, water, and extra sugary snacks in case your brother pestered you for some- and you slung it over your shoulder.

You smiled up at your abnormally tall brother, but he had a frown on his face. He looked your body up and down before pointing back at your door.

"Change," He ordered. Even if he was usually playful, he did get a bit over-protective when it came to you, his one and only younger sister.

"B-But this cost $40 and I really wanted to wear it!" You protested as you frowned up at him and crossed your arms. Knowing you, Murasakibara was expecting that you wouldn't go down without a fight. That a tiny trait he admired about you.

"Y/N I don't think that's appropriate to wear outside," Kuroko joked as he walked up to you both. He was only siding with your older brother to annoy you. He was currently eyeing you up and down as well, and that made Murasakibara snap.

"Keep your eyes off my sister Tetsuya." He warned before turning to you again. Before a word could even come out of his mouth the doorbell suddenly rang, and you took that as an opportunity to race down the stairs. You already knew who it was.

The door opened slightly, before it was pushed open all the way and Midorama stepped in. You saw him and in a split second ran into his arms. You buried you face into the shirt he was wearing and inhaled his familiar scent. With a sigh you released yourself from him, but he gently took your hand in his.

"I missed you too." He murmured as he placed a kiss on your soft lips. Soon his eyes grazed over your body in the somewhat flashy swimwear, and he couldn't seem to pry his eyes away.

"That's it, if you don't take the swimsuit off and put on a one-piece I won't allow you to go!" Your brother said as he shot daggers at Midorama who finally lifted his eyes from gazing at you.

"If I don't go Midorama won't go! We'll just stay here!"

"Fine. Two less people I have to watch over."

"Really? You'd let Midorama stay home alone for a whole day?" You gripped onto Midorama's waist and stuck your tongue out at Murasakibara who had gone red in the face. His words has just been used against him. Midorama moved his hand to your waist, and unconsciously he dug his fingers into your hip a bit harder than you would of liked. But it was your fault since you had just put dirty images in his head when you said that you two might be able to spend the whole day together... alone.

"Shut up and get in the car. Shintarou please keep your eyes on my sister's face only." You brother groaned after he finally gave in.


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