[Two-Shot] Cheater!Levi Ackerman x Reader [Attack on Titan] Future

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*Part Two


The only thing that we're allowed to do is to believe that we won't regret the choice we made.❞ ~Levi Ackerman

[Imagine] Cheater!Levi Ackerman x Reader [Attack on Titan]

Requested by: LeviBomBastic

dude i was to lazy to write both sorry. if you guys really want an end that has eren just comment on this, and I'll add it


A month had finally past- each endless day had managed to disappear, though you had thoroughly believed that at any moment, one second may freeze as you had inevitably thought of Levi.

For the most part things hadn't changed; titans still mercilessly slaughtered your comrades, Levi was still a bit sulky whenever he was around you, Petra managed to avoid you when necessary and...

Erwin stayed by your side through thick and thin.

It felt odd one specific night- and you weren't sure if it was because of the alcohol coursing through your system, or if because Erwin's usually authoritative and overwhelmingly had settled down and he was seemingly calm for once.

Or maybe because you had realized you didn't see Erwin as simply a friend anymore.

But on that night you kissed Erwin, and his lips tasted like the same strong alcohol you had engulfed- except he was more composed.

You both had been in his office at the time, discussing casual matters and the future course of actions 'humanity' would take in order to free yourself from the clutches of titans.

But once alcohol had gotten involved and influenced your thoughts, the conversation gradually switched from work discussion to personal matters.
And then... The inevitable kiss happened that managed to change the entire course of your future.

A/N the ending was short and vague so you could think of what happens next yourself~

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