[Imagine] Jealous!Zero Kiryu x Reader [Vampire Knight] Feud

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The Headmaster talks about the Night Class like they're good vampires who support his pacifism, but I don't trust them. I won't let my guard down. I'm cooperating so I can find the most effective way to kill those beasts in human form.❞ ~Zero Kiryu

[Imagine] Jealous!Zero x Reader [Vampire Knight]

Requested By: inulover1

Written by the new co-writer @Englandismahbiatch ! (amazing username)

You pulled your skirt down slightly and straightened your collar nervously. You had to look your best, as you were to meet Lord Kaname for dinner. He had asked to meet with you, although you didn't know why. Your best friend, Zero, didn't want you to go, and insisted that you stayed with him instead. You politely declined.

"Zero, I'm sure it'll be fine. Besides, I can protect myself." True, you were in the day class, but you were part of the disciplinary committee, and knew your way around a fair few weapons. Zero was sulking and you sighed. "C'mon Zero. Don't be like this."

He sighed. "You know how I feel about Kaname."

You nodded. "Yes, but if he invited me to meet him, I must go as common etiquette. I'm sorry Zero, but I'm going.

You stomped out of the door, ignoring his protests.

You stopped in front of the moon dorms, straightening your uniform again, and knocked on the door. It was opened immediately by Hanabusa Aido. "Hello young (Y/N)! Lord Kaname is waiting." He smiled and you followed him to a dark room, lit by faint candlelight. In it was a long table, with a chair at each end. Hanabusa pulled out a chair for you and you gladly sat down. "Thank you." He smiled at you. "Lord Kaname will be down in a second." I nodded and he left.

Suddenly, a door opened at the other side of the room and light streamed into the dark place. Kaname walked in slowly, a gentle smiled on his face. "Miss (Y/N). I'm so glad that you made it."
You smiled politely. "The pleasure is all mine, Lord Kaname." You stood and curtsied respectfully, keeping your eyes on the floor.

He laughed. "There is no need for such formalities, my lady."
He walked closer and kissed your hand, and you blushed deeply before you both took a seat.

Some other students served you food and drinks, before swiftly leaving. You ate quietly, while Kaname just smiled at you. You decided to say something.

"Um, Lord Kaname? I don't mean to be rude but why have you called me here?" He grinned. "Simply because I like being in your company." You nodded, slightly confused and continued to eat.

When you finished, you stood up. "I must be taking my leave now Lord Kaname. I have class in the morning and duties." He nodded and stood as well, brushing himself off. "I've enjoyed this evening Miss (Y/N). I hope to see you again?" You nodded. "Don't worry. We'll speak soon." He walked you out after that.

The next day, Zero approached you in class and pulled you up from your chair. You gasped. "Zero-!" He tilted you head sideways. "He didn't bite you." You grinned. "See, I told you he was a nice guy. Now sit down. The teacher'll be here soon, and you can't get in any more trouble." Zero huffed and sat down. So did you, but you couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching you.

Leaving class, you walked over to Zero. "C'mon. We have to control them." You pointed to the mass of girls rushing to go and 'visit' the night class. Zero huffed but followed, as you quickly dodged through the crowd to get to the door separating day and night classes. You pushed girls back as they fought, some even going as far as to try and hurt you, to which Zero was not pleased about. Together, you managed to hold them back until the night class emerged from there dorms, all smiling politely.

Kaname brushed past you and smiled warmly. "Hello, my darling." All the girls behind you fawned, while Zero growled dangerously. You sighed. "What's your problem?" He stormed off angrily.

Later on, you found Zero. With annoyance etched into your brow, you grabbed his arm. He shook you off forcefully, knocking you onto the ground. He immediately looked apologetic. "I-"

"Save it," you hissed. He helped you up gently, and you frowned. "I want to know why you're so agitated by Kaname?" He sighed. "It's not that-" You cut him off again. "Zero, be honest." He rubbed his forehead. "The truth?" You nodded eagerly. He took a deep breath. "The truth is I really like you and I get jealous when he acts like he does- around you." He blushed and looked away. Your mouth gaped, shocked. "Z-Zero, I-" He started to walk away, already prepared for rejection. "I feel the same way!" You rushed out, and he froze. "Really?" You nodded.

"I think I love you, Zero Kiriyu." He smiled. It was a rare occurrence. He quickly ran to you, and kissed you passionately.

Yet you never lost the feeling of being watched...


Is season 6 of Glee even real? I mean Sue ships Klaine and episode 9 is just wow.

And i now ship Sebastian x Levi because just imagine them harmonizing over cleaning products.

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