[Imagine] Rei Ryuzagki x Nagisa Hazuki [Free! Iwatobi Swim Club]

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I'm such a shit updater and terrible Senpai, so for those of you who like Reigisa, here you go.

"Rei-chan, I don't wanna study anymore~." Nagisa complained as he plopped down face first onto the wooden floor. He grunted since he was displeased with Rei's idea of fun which consisted of reviewing for the trigonometry test they both had tomorrow.

Both men were in comfortable clothing, and were relaxing at Rei's home. Well, Rei was relaxing while Nagisa was stressing the fact that he wanted fun.

"Do you have any better suggestions?" Rei asked as he sat down the textbook and looked at the mop of blond hair that was laying on the floor. "An idea that does not require us going outside at 1 am and pranking Haru and Makoto." Rei was sure to add.

"We could eat ice cream and watch movies," Nagisa told him, as he perked up slightly since Rei was willing to take his input.

"I don't have ice cream."

"We can still go to your room and watch a movie though,"

"But I'd rather study," Rei lied slightly through his teeth. Whenever he and Nagisa went to his room, Nagisa would snuggle with him on his bed. Though it was adorable, Rei's self-control to not touch his delicate boyfriend while he was sleeping, slightly slipped away everyday.

"Rei-chan!" Nagisa shouted as he tackled Rei down to the ground. Rei's glasses flew off of his face as he felt Nagisa's chest collide with his. "Stop being so boring!"

Nagisa's innocent face was practically on top of Rei's, so of course Rei couldn't help but blush slightly. He was stuck in between the thought of whether he should give Nagisa's cheek a quick peck with his lips or shove the blond of, and scold him.

But with his quick actions, Nagisa was already off of Rei and and sitting by his side like an obedient puppy. "Rei-Chan, I like when you read to me~."



Rei wished that he wasn't so persuaded by Nagisa. Because now he was laying on his bed with Nagisa wrapped in his arms, while a book was in his hands.

At least my glasses aren't cracked.

"You stopped... reading..." Nagisa mumbled as he rested his head on Rei's chest and draped his arms over his partner. It was obvious that Nagisa was on the verge of sleeping, even if he didn't want to admit it... and he looked adorable.

"You're lucky I love you." Rei said as his eyes scanned the novel he was reading, searching for the place he left off.

"I love you too, Rei-chan."

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