[Imagine] Jealous!Ayato Kirishima x Reader [Tokyo Ghoul] My Trainer

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My Trainer

I was studying the world. I'm different from a peaceful idiot like you. I'm not a human, I'm a ghoul.❞ ~Ayato Kirishima

[Imagine] Jealous!Ayato Kirishima x Reader [Tokyo Ghoul]

Requested By: xGivvy

[For those of you who don't know, Tatara is apart of the Aogiri Tree]

"Ayato... he's still busy?"

"Yes. The One-eyed king has requested to speak with him privately..."

"I understand." You mumbled back to Naki as you looked down at the ground.

You were a normal ghoul, that Ayato happened to save. He saw two ghoul investigators trying to kill you, but he easily stepped in and slaughtered them both. That was two years ago. He was a cold person with a short temper, but whenever he was with you, those feelings never showed.

"Can you just tell him that we need to talk?"

"Sure, if I see him today. He's been busier than usually."

"Yeah, I know." You replied.

"If you don't mind... may I ask why you need to see him so badly?"

"I... he's my trainer..." You answered quietly, not wanting to get to detailed into why you needed a personal trainer.

You began to walk away to the only other person that you were 'friends' with in the Aogiri Tree -Tatara.

"She has a trainer for herself, huh?" Naki whispered to himself.


Your breathing was rigid as hard, as you jumped onto another building. Tatara was in front of you and peering down into the alley.


"What?" He grunted as he got ready to kill a drunk man that had stumbled into the alley.

There was a reason that Ayato had to especially help you- you didn't like killing humans. Ayato's job was to help you get over that fear.

Tatara had dragged you out into hunting for food, even though you practically begged him not to. But, Tatara had been watching you, and saw that you didn't eat lately.

It's not that you didn't enjoy human, you just didn't enjoy the murdering part. But because you wanted to follow in Ayato's footsteps that couldn't be helped.

Tatara continued to ignore you, as he got ready to attack with his bare hands. His expression was stoic and he seemed different.

Your heart was going crazy. Without thinking, you hopped onto the building Tatara was on, and yelled his name again.

He merely glanced at you.

"Tatara! Please..."

"Y/N, what's the problem? This'll be over quick then you can eat."

He fell down into the alley, and it wasn't long before you heard the cries of a man, and silence followed. Running after him, when you smelled the blood your kakugans activated and the pain of hunger worsened.

You fell to the ground, and ended up on your knees as you covered your mouth and closed your eyes. You could feel tears coming, and the wave of fresh blood and human flesh getting stronger. The smell was irresistible.

"Here," You heard Tatara offer as he held out a piece of flesh.

"You don't understand...."

"What? It seems to me like you dislike being a ghoul. Are you ashamed of what you are? That would piss me off... If I were to be honest."

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