[Imagine] Oikawa Tooru x Jealous!Reader [Haikyuu!!] ♡

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Trying not to think about something is the same as thinking about it.❞ ~Oikawa Tooru

[Imagine] Oikawa Tooru x Jealous!Reader [Haikyuu!!!]

Requested By: yongo-


Some fluffy fluff . This is part one,
if you guys want another part!

If there was one thing in the world you regretted most, it was consciously choosing to date the notorious Oikawa Tooru even though you knew what that would entail. He was beyond popular- not only did he just exceed in sports, but he was academically well-rounded, was highly social and actually (deep down, at least) a good person.

Oikawa Tooru was the embodiment of of someone who had both an attractive personality and attractive face. So, it was no surprise that you were currently sitting down in the stands squeezing the pamphlet tightly in your hands as hundreds of high school girls gawked over your boyfriend and his volleyball team.

It really shouldn't have bothered you- you should be use to your boyfriend being adored and loved locally and now, due to their recent win, nationally.

But of course, with that thought now muddling in the back of your mind, you were even more depressed. It seemed wrong, to be sulking in the stands while your boyfriend was playing his heart out on the court but there was always a small voice in the back of your head, reminding you that you did not deserve Oikawa Tooru, or his charms, or the sweet treats he'd sometimes bring you after school or the soft hugs and deep kisses he offered you each day once he dropped you off at home.

There was always a small pang of guilt in your chest tha-

A loud buzzard went off, signaling the end of the game. Your E/C eyes widened as your saw the score board bright and clear. Aobajosai High had 25 points, while the opposing team at 23. Another moment hadn't been wasted before a loud cheering erupted on your team's side of the bench's in hoots and hollers of victory.

For a moment, you could've sworn Oikawa was looking directly at you, with his signature lopsided smile and bright, chocolate eyes- but the moment was short lived as the team was pulled into a large group hug. A few players were crying, others were 75% sweat and 25% dead, and a few were even on the ground with wide grins on their faces.

But all you could register was how a small smile from Oikawa had managed to lighten your mood significantly, and suddenly, the day didn't seem so bad.


"Iwaizumi!" Your voice called out cheerily as you greeted him at the entrance of the large stadium. A few stragglers from the Aobojosai team were heading towards the bus or other people who were waiting to meet them. Oikawa was nowhere in sight at the moment.

The male saw you and relaxed for a moment as he went towards your direction, whilst taking a long drag from his water bottle. He looked beyond exhausted and was still damp from sweat, but he hadn't hesitated to pull you into a quick hug.

"How have you been?" He asked, fixing the strap of his bag, "Ever since you got with Shittykawa I haven't seen you as often."

"... that's problem not Oikawa's fault. I've had a lot of tests lately to study for so I have no free time."

"Is that why he sulks every practice?" Iwaizumi scoffed before shaking his head, though it wasn't out of annoyance. A small laugh fell out of your mouth at the thought of Oikawa complaining since he couldn't be near you as much; it seemed too realistic.

"Yeah that sounds like hi- aaah!" Your speech was interrupted before you were hoisted up onto someone's shoulders (a small blessing went through your head since you were wearing shorts instead of a skirt) and you nearly dropped the bag of cookies from your hands at the sudden moment.

"Iwa-chan, were you flirting with Y/N~" Oikawa teased as his grasp around your waist and legs tightened. "Shame on you, hitting on a married woman." He laughed out again, like the trouble-maker he was.

Your cheeks were flaring at his comments and you nearly choked on your words as you asked for him to put you down. He did, very gently, and wasn't hesitant to place a gently kiss on your forehead and then a slim arm around his waist.

Iwaizumi's expression was one of pure disgust as he flipped Oikawa off and then proceeded to walk away, not even bothering to spare you two a few words.

"You're a jerk," you mumbled since you properly didn't even get the chance to say good-bye to him.

"Am I really?" He laughed, as he walked alongside you, eyeing the bag of goodies. "Were those for me?" He leaned in closer towards you, his breath oddly smelling of mint. "We won, so I think you should feed them to me one by one- while sitting on my lap." Though he was kidding sort of, there was a hint of seriousness in his tone.

You looked up at your boyfriend- his hair a mess from the game, though his eyes were on you.

And they had only been on your for awhile- so maybe you should worry less and learn to appreciate him more.

"...maybe later," you hummed as a small smile formed on your lips and your pressed your hand against his. He interlaced your fingers together and held your hand gently, swinging it back and forth. "First let's go home and go on a proper date, we haven't been on one in awhile."

Oikawa's face broke out into another smile, this one more sincere than the last.

"That sounds perfect, Y/N."

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