[Imagine] Jealous!Natsu Dragneel x Reader [Fairytail] Fire At Will

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Fire At Will

I am not alone. I can hear them... I can hear everyone's voices... I can sense everyone's feelings... I am not alone... Everyone's feelings... They support me... They are what give me the will to stand and fight!❞ ~Natsu Dragneel

[Imagine] Natsu Dragneel x Teasing!Reader [Fairytail]

Requested By: Xx74LYxX

[This will be REALLY short because I haven't seen much of Fairytail, and... yeah]

"Gray that's so cool!" You beamed as he used his Ice-Make to create an ice heart for you.

"C-can I touch it? Will it melt?" You asked as you reached for it as it rested in his hand.

"Sure," He insisted as he held your palm in his opposite hand then gently placed the heart in your hand.

You were new to magic, but you had met Natsu. He convinced you to join Fairytail, but lately all the boys were behaving awkwardly towards you.

The only guy that would talk to you when Natsu wasn't around was Gray.

"Um Gray... w-where did you're shirt go?"

"He does that a lot, it's like second nature to him." Lucy commented as she sat at the same table as you two.

"Hey you seen Natsu?" You ask her as you ply with the frozen ice heart in your hands. Smoke was coming off of it, it was so cold.

"No," She answered "but you and Gray make the cutest couple." She said randomly before smiling.

You knew she had a major crush on Natsu, but Natsu didn't seem to notice. She often tried to get other guys to ask you out in hope that you would say yes to one, and dump Natsu.

"Oh." You whispered in reply.


Fire was shot in your direction and hit the table, barely missing you. Gray fell out the chair and turned to face Natsu.


"You left me on the mission to flirt with my girlfriend?!"

"Oh... haha about that..." Gray laughed nervously.

Fire was shot again but you ran over to Gray before he could cast a dangerously big spell. This was one of the cons at having a powerful boyfriend. If you were in the way he wouldn't reall hurt Gray, right?

You offered him your hand when an arm wrapped around your waist. Natsu pulled you away, but in his other hand he had a ball of fire brewing.

"Don't touch her again."

You had learned two things that day: Your boyfriend got incredibly hot when he was mad and dangerous as well.

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