[Imagine] [Lemon] Suzuya Juuzou x Reader [Tokyo Ghoul] Stitches

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They can die for all I care.❞ ~Juuzou Suzuya

[Imagine] [Lemon] Juuzou Suzuya x Reader [Tokyo Ghoul]



**PLEASE READ: And why this took so long is because Suzuya is a... special character. He's hard to write about when it comes to this topic because of his past and his child-like behavior. So i did my best... it wasn't hard to make the "naughty" scene, it was hard attempting to keep him in character while doing it... if that makes since.

Welp, read at your own risk. ***Warning: Contains lemon, edging and dominant/submissive

You watched in silent amazement as Suzuya finished the last stitch on his left wrist, yet showed no signs of pain. His skin looked a bit bruised and irritated yet he held a smile, and his bright eyes didn't falter. The red lace dangled as it zigzagged in a hopeless pattern on his delicate wrist, and all you could do was look in awe.

"All done," he laughed as he admired his work, with a smile. The dark circles under his eyes seemed to match yours, and both of your personalities corrosponded as well. He was perched in an odd position in the kitchen's wooden chair. You noticed that across that tiny kitchen, that one of the four fire outlits was burning, and next to it on the counter a few of Suzuya's sewing needles were still out. Since he often sewed on himself he learned how to sterlize needles to avoid infections.

You gazed at the boy with a slight pout, but didn't say a single word. Every CCG worker assumed you were both restless, inhumane freaks... and both of you intended to keep their thoughts that way. Suzuya liked a relationship that kept others guessing what would come next- and that was a task he never failed to deliver.

But in mere seconds, Suzuya's attitude changed and surveying his new design wasn't enough. He went quiet for a few moments, and leaned back in his chair- to the point of it almost tipping over.

It was a timid yet hot day, so you found yourself wearing shorts that you'd usually workout in and one of Suzuya's shirts. Of course, you could've worn your own shirt but his seemed more comfortable. You both were stuck inside the small apartment... but being the partner of a childish male didn't exactly leave you with many options of what you two could agreeably do. For instance- if you wanted to cuddle like a normal couple, he'd prefer to draw pictures or watch a show. The most erotic thing you'd ever seen Suzuya actually do was stitch amazing designs on himself and still have a pleased look on his face.

But nonethless, you loved him regardless- even if that meant you'd have to sacrifice a relationship without sex.

"Y/N I'm bored." Suzuya sighed as he slumped down in his chair. You stood up from your chair that was across from his, and went to to burner. You killed the blue flame that had erupted on the stove, and began putting away Suzuya's discarded needles. "I can make lunch," you replied uninterested, but with earnesty.

Nearly everyday had the same pattern whenever you two were off from work.

Suzuya would lounge around with you, one of you would make lunch (which was usually you, since there was a chance your boyfriend would burn the apartment down if he had to make a meal that required heat. So he stuck to making sandwhiches...) and after that, you two would sleep wherever you passed out from a day from doing absolutely nothing. It was a surprisingly tiring process.

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