[Imagine] Morinozuka Takashi x Deaf!Reader [OHSHC] You Aren't Broken

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You Aren't Broken

We can tell who the bad guys are by looking at 'em.❞ ~Morinozuka Takashi

[Imagine] Morinozuka Takashi x Deaf!Reader [OHSHC]

Requested by: TeaTime2349

A/N Im picking requests at random, ok? unless you want yours to be first, just say so. Also when you guys request please dont just say "___ x reader" you have to also explain what you want like, fluff, lime, angst etc.

Fun fact: Mori has a cute/small things fetish. like Honey Senpai and Haru...

dis is short :3

Your fists were clenched as your chest rose up and down- you couldn't even make eye contact with Mori's parents anymore, in fear that the tears would finally overflow and they'd see you in yet another unruly state.

He wanted to cancel the engagement.

He didn't want to marry someone that had gone completely deaf.

You were shattered and useless, and he didn't want you to be apart of his life- he didn't wish to share a future with someone as pitiful as you.

Your body arose on it's own, as you gave the translator a sly look in hopes that she would stop telling you what Mr. and Mrs. Takashi were saying. You and your parents thought this would be another meeting to discuss small arrangements for minor wedding details.

Instead, it was them saying that if you didn't get a surgery to at least increase your hearing once again slightly -provided by their private hospital- they wanted the engagement terminated.

It didn't take a genius to notice that all eyes were on you as you swayed out of the room, suddenly feeling sick to your stomach and light-headed.

Before the blink of an eye, you found yourself in one of your multiple study rooms and attempted to recollect your thoughts. The afternoon tea and biscuits were threatening to make a re-appearance every time you thought of your current situation... you honestly believed that no one would want you, now.

Going into your own little world was easier now, but a part of you wished that it wasn't because if the circumstances.

In simple terms- it was now easier to shut out the world with the loss of your hearing, than it ever was before.

Slowly since birth, you had been losing your hearing and at the the peek of your teenage years, you had finally lost all sense of sound. All music was now completely silent, when other's talked to you, your ears heard nothing, and life had done a complete 180.

All of the instruments you use to play now set in a storage room collecting dust- which was an experience that hurt you the most.

Of course you had been practicing Sign Language at an early age, so communicating with others that understood you wasn't that difficult- you could even read most people's lips if you were close enough, it was just hard responding back to them.

But slowly your friends began to leave you- who would want a wealthy, but deaf friend? They didn't want to deal with the pain of having a girl who was now silent majority of the time, instead of her loud rumbustious self. But what did they honestly expect?

But it wasn't their pain in the first place that they had to cope with- it was yours. Out of everyone including your parents, who put their work and wealth before you, their eldest daughter and your younger siblings the only person that hadn't changed into someone else entirely was Mori.

Yes, he was your arranged fiance and yes, you understood that you shouldn't have gotten attached to him since the marriage wasn't official but you couldn't help the fact that you slowly fell for him. It didn't take much to please him and his personality and aura clashed with yours perfectly. In every way, you felt that he was nearly perfect... and you knew that this feeling was love.

The only major difference between you two was that he chose to be silent, whereas your choices were limited to that single option.


The book once in your hand fell down to the floor, as a gentle tap on your shoulder sent shivers down your spine. In reflex, your body jolted around and met the cool eyes of Mori, who had beams of sweat on his forehead as well as his kendo uniform on. You were half-expecting your parents or a worried staff member, but you were greeted by him nonetheless.

Your once agape mouth pursed into a small frown as you signed with your delicate fingers, 'You scared me,'. Mori only smiled down slightly at your cute appearance before ruffling your H/L, H/C hair and retrieving your fallen book.

It was a less intimate greeting than you preferred, but with this thought, you remembered that it was as intimate as you two would ever get. You'd never share a first kiss or other personal experiences, since he and his parents wanted the wedding put off unless you risked the surgery

You saw as he eyes glanced the cover of the story, Romeo and Juliet, before handing it back to you. Romeo and Juliet's love felt as if it paled in comparison to how you were feeling.

How could he act as if everything was normal?

Mori noticed your uneasiness and was quick to attempt and respond to your distress- though his sign language was slightly butchered since he only spent a few months trying to learn it for you and he had yet to perfect it, you received the basic message.

He wanted to know what was wrong and how he could make it better.

With his question you broke down and explained everything, from his parents threatening to cancel the engagement, to you running endlessly down your home's halls and nearly fainting. [I didn't want to go in depth writing about it].

When you were finished talking about your woes, he nearly chuckled as he took a seat next to you on the plush sofa. Sitting down, his height was still towering over yours, and it seemed as if his figure could easily engulf you. His large hand ruffled your hair once again, before he gently went to kiss your forehead.

Little did you know, was that he had nothing to do with the engagement being called off- he wanted it more than anything.

Tears blurred your eyesight, but you were still able to make out a few words that he was signing.

'You know you aren't broken, right?'

With that simple phrase you felt your heart clench in an unbelievable fast way, and you did not hesitate to lift yourself up and kiss him on his lips. Though his expression stayed the same, you could see in his grey eyes that the kiss was more than welcome- possibly, he could have been waiting to get one, for the longest time.

Being told you weren't broken was something you didn't know you needed to hear.


Maybe everything would be okay, after all.

A/N I know the flow is kind of weird, i changed the idea like twenty times and then edited new paragraphs inbetween old ones.... so yeah...

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