[Imagine] Fluff!Sosuke Yamazaki x Reader [Free! Iwatobi Swim Club] Snowy Days

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Snowy Days

❝I just thought that I'd spend my last year as a high school swimmer in my hometown, enjoying it my way, since I already know where I'll be going after High school.~Sosuke Yamazaki

[Imagine] Fluff!Sosuke Yamazaki x Reader [Free! Iwatobi Swim Club]

Requested By: Immortal_Sammy

[A/N The song 18 by One Direction is PERFECT for this chapter. I recommened you play it while reading this. It's on the side. Even if you dislike 1D, this song is perfect for this. <3]

Sosuke's P.O.V.

I continued to walk, until I felt her stir on my back. My breath could be seen in the cold winter air, and snowflakes crowded my eyes, and it was freezing but I did this for her.

"Sosuke...?" Y/N asked gently as she lifted her head that once lay in the crook of my neck.

"Yes?" I asked back as I kept moving forward. The snow seemed to be getting lighter.

"Why am I on your back?" She asked as she set up a bit to get a better view.

"You don't remember?" I asked with a chuckle as I adjusted the grasp on her thighs. I could already sense that she was blushing.

"I-It wasn't a dream? I a-actually said it? And you accepted me..."

I stopped in my tracks and my muscles grew tense. What was she talking about? Did she have a dream?

Did the girl that I've had feelings for, for the past ten years feel the same?

The snow gave everything a sense of magic, and made the bare trees look beautiful. It made everything seem pure, just like how Y/N was...

"Sosuke... w-wait what are you talking about? What happened?!"

"Don't move so fast-!" I interjected.

It was too late. We both toppled over. I fell flat on my butt, and Y/N was behind me.

"Ouch... My ankle..."

"That's what happened." I sighed.

"What?" She asked. I couldn't even turn around and face her. My face was a blushing mess, and I was embarrassed. To think that she could feel the same way about me... was impossible. It felt that way. Wouldn't things change if she felt the same...

"We went ice skating, and you fell and twisted your ankle... That's why it still hurts. I was taking you to my place so I could patch it up..."

"Y-Your house?" She stuttered, in surprise.

"Yeah. You've been there before..." I replied.

"Your place... your parents will be there right..."

"Nope. Now hop back on my back so I can carry you-"

A soft hit went to my back, as two more poundings were sent. Y/N's fists weren't powerful enough to actual hurt me, but to as why she was hitting me made me confused.

"Idiot!" She yelled at me.

"What? What did I do?!"

"Why won't you face me?!"

I slowly turned my head, and gazed at her Y/E/C eyes, and could feel my cheeks getting hotter.

Maybe she'll just pass it off as the cold weather making my skin turn a light pink...

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