Goodnight everybody

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10 years after heartbeat

Xavier shuffled in front on me, looking guilty, his teacher stood talking with Kate, I don't think he liked the fact he was forced to teach a human.

"I didn't want to mum, but they wouldn't shut up" grumbled Xavier, I sighed, hearing your son has punched someone is never good, but to be fair, I'm not, not proud.

An elf boy stood off to the side nursing his red cheek, Xavier really held back, especially with how much he and Tina wrestle.

Never fight a werewolf head on, unless you're both on equal grounds I guess.

"I don't see why I have to teach such a savage!" I could hear the teacher hiss, I watched as Xavier flinched, he looked to the ground.

I grinned and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Well my boy, good job, self control is essential in life" I told him, the teacher looked at me in shock.

"We'll deal with this, its non of your concern" stated Kate, turning towards us two.

"Come on, let's head home, we'll all go home for the day" iterated Kate, she hurried out to collect the other kids, Julian walked in, a bottle of water in his hands.

"Going home already? Sweet" he commented, ruffling mine and Xavier's hair.

15 years after heart beat

We sat at the table, Xavier and Zach glaring at each other, Tina as always was on Xavier's side, while Dylan tried to ignore it all.

"Zach, what you did was awful" stated Kate, Zach looked away and huffed, since when did the sensitive baby become such a grouchy teenager.

"I'm not apologising, its non of your business" he snapped, glaring at Tina who had spilled the beans.

It was a shock hearing it, Zach wanted to be liked by the cool group, so he had to humiliate Xavier.

"You poured sewage water all over him! That is not acceptable behaviour" snapped Kate, he rolled his eyes at her.

"Its not my fault he's a lousy human" snapped Zach, storming away, Xavier stood up.

"Don't you talk to her like that!" Shouted Xavier, his eyes furious.

"You're the one who can't throw a single punch, you're the one who resorts to cheap tricks!" Shouted Xavier, Zach stormed over furiously.

Xavier easily caught the flimsy fist and squeezed, leaning into Zach's ear whispering something, I didn't hear what he said but everyone else minus Dylan did.

Zach spun around and stormed off, Xavier sat casually back at the table.

Julian was glaring at Zach's retreating form, Dylan hadn't looked up from his food.

"Dylan?" I questioned, he looked up at me with a barely holding it together look in his eyes.

"It's nothing for you to get so upset about sweety" I assured, he shook his head and looked away.

"What else is going on?" I asked, he just shook his head, Tina and Xavier stared at him in surprise, no one really paid the poor kid much attention.

"Tell me!" I demanded, he sobbed and shook his head.

"Claire, that's not how you should deal with it.... I learnt that lesson" he muttered, he stood up and walked over to Dylan who cried into his food.

He gently put his hands on the boys shoulders and looked him in the eye.

"Tell us when you're ready, if its this hard, we will be here to make it better" he murmured.

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