My colony

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I gazed at the anxious faces staring at Julian, humans who had been prepared to live their normal lives just like every other day, I felt a deep guilt, I could have prevented this.

Noelle stole back my attention, she was examining the rope that hung from the collar, a strange look on her face.

"So who is that anyway?" She asked, I gazed at Julian who was spellbound by the birds, he didn't seem to feel threatened, and he calls me the cocky one?

"My owner... Julian" I answered, she gaped at me, Julian spun around and stared at me, what did I say?

I looked at them both, I felt like an idiot even though I didn't know what I said.

"What!?" I exclaimed, Julian laughed slightly, sometimes I really despise him.

"What's so funny 'sire'" I grumbled.

"What did you do? Respectful, calling people by title, what sorcery have you performed" gasped Noelle, Julian stopped laughing, he glanced around at the field that surrounded us, the only humans not hidden away in home standing tall with spears, ready to attack.

Noelle grabbed my hand.

"Never mind that, everyone's missed our mischief! Its been awful without you" she said, beginning to walk off, towing me behind her, it was strange, a small ounce of fear jumped through me, following someone that's not Julian, what was that about?

"Hey wait!" Called Julian, quickly following after us, the guards pointed their spears up and took steps forwards, he didn't seem as fazed as he should have been.

"He's quite a cocky mutt isn't he" commented Noelle, I found myself smiling at that, Julian looked insulted.

"I love how you embody karma Noelle" I commented, she gave me a confused smile,

We headed deeper into the area, dusty paths between reinforced huts.

The first person to approach me was someone I really hated, Kris, an ex, I broke up with him after Noelle punched him so hard he couldn't pronounce 'hi'.

He wrapped me in a hug, I didn't return it, there's no way I'll forgive him for trying to manipulate me to go to bed with him after I said no.

Noelle growled at him.

"Screw off midget dick" she growled, he looked at her.

"Can't I greet someone who's been missing for ages?!" He defended, Noelle huffed and held up her fist, he quickly let me go and retreated, Julian watched us quietly, glancing back at the glaring guards, it took me a bit to understand his actions, he's actually treating everyone like wild animals, don't do anything to alarm while acting like there's nothing wrong.

I glared at Julian at that realisation, we're not some dangerous wildlife, we're perfectly intelligent people.

The next person brought a smile to my face, Rex, my boyfriend, he hurried over to me and hugged me close.

"Well its been a while, missed you sweetheart, my perfect little bitch" he greeted, laughing teasingly at my playful bat at his arm.

"You're such an ass, and I missed you to" I greeted, I hugged him back, a small bit of energy and joy running through me.

"So we're just ignoring the wolf I guess?" He commented, I glanced back at Julian.

"More or less" I stated, he shook his head.

"Only you two would ignore such a danger out of spite" he laughed, I stared downwards, I was ignoring him to try and pretend for a second, that things were fine and normal.

"Um, I am actually here, some loyal slave you are" chuckled Julian, he ruffled my hair, trying to make the slave comment a light hearted jab.

Noelle growled at him.

"Shut up dog" she growled, he eyed her, probably wondering whether to become angry at her or to let it slide.

"Wish I could make comments like that" I whined, Rex watched us, his green eyes bright and interested.

"Why don't you?" Asked Noelle, she knew me as the kind of person unafraid to insult someone.

I simply grabbed the rope and the collar, motioning to it.

"I don't like unnecessary risks" I stated, her gaze softened.

"Oh babe, you not being a troublemaker is something I never thought would happen" she mumbled, giving me a hug.

"She's still a troublemaker" grumbled Julian.

She let me go, a familiar screech caught my attention, I jumped away as Missy ran at me, preparing her tackle hug, I probably looked terrified.

"Hey, its been so long Claire, what's wrong? Normally you laugh when I do that" she commented, she was short, had the brightest blue eyes and her hair was strangely naturally red.

I rubbed the back of my neck, looking at the ground, keeping my back safe near a hut and protecting my gut with my hands.

"Hey Missy, I'm sorry, I don't think I can take one of your hugs right now" I commented, I let out a forced laugh.

Noelle watched me, her gaze hardening once more.

"What the hell happened, I swear, if he harmed you..." Began Noelle.

"It's fine!" I exclaimed, my loud voice shutting her up, she stared at me, looking sad.

"I see, you don't have to defend him, I'm here now" she gently said, she held me softly.

Julian looked around awkwardly, Rex stood there, he had an ashamed look on his face as if he could have protected me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, let's go somewhere else" mumbled Missy, Noelle gave a nod the guards moved in to defend our retreat, Julian called after me, I felt a strange anxiety blossom in my gut but I pushed it away.

We sat in a hut and waited quietly, Missy handing me some rabbit stew, I ate it hungrily, Noelle set about trying to remove the collar, the leash was easy, the collar was weird, you could undo the clasp but a lock kept it from being able to go over my head.

"Unbelievable! I'll fight that asshole" she growled, I gave her a smile, everything Julian did played out in my mind, I didn't hate him, even after he became so nasty, I wanted to trust him, see him as a friend, although he probably sees himself as being in charge of me, an owner, and I'm just a dumb animal.

That would be fine, surprisingly so, because when he's nice, he's really likeable, but I'm a slave, something so low that they could be tortured and forced to work when weak and sick.

I think he sees me as a pet, he said so once, can't remember when, some part of me found the idea nice, I screamed at myself internally, how dare I start thinking like that.

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