Tough luck

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It felt like forever had gone by, waiting for my rag to finish, as soon as it did Julian tossed it to me, it was warm and soft in my hands, I quickly changed into it, cuddling myself, he watched me curiously.

I quickly stopped and sat on the couch, not liking him seeing me be so pathetic.

A knock came at the door and after a few seconds Julian yelled out for them to come in, I glared at the door suspiciously, one of the employees entered, handing Julian a small bag, with a quick thanks, the person left.

He picked held the bag and stood up, I watched his every move, he came towards me.

"What are you doing?" I growled, not trusting him with strange objects, he ignored my question and crouched in front of me.

"Just hold still" he commanded, he grabbed my arm, I tried to yank it back unsuccessfully, he rifled through the bag as I struggled in his iron grip, all the writhing was causing the pain in my gut to flare up.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped, his eyes momentarily meeting mine, before resuming what he was doing.

He brought scissors up to the bandage and cut it off, I stopped my moving, afraid of being cut.

He checked the injury, tutting to himself quietly, he rubbed some stinging cream on it which he pulled out of the bag, applying some cotton padding and tightening a new bandage around it, he finally released my arm and I pulled it back protectively, eyeing the work, he grabbed my other arm and I didn't resist this time, I felt foolish for getting upset over something go trivial.

"There wasn't that a silly thing to get upset about?" He asked, I growled at him.

"No! You don't just grab people!" I snapped, he muttered about ungratefulness.

"I'm not sorry or going to say thanks" I huffed, he finished bandaging my wrist and I crossed my arms, looking away from him.

He put the medical bag into a slot beside the door and looked through his bag, he grabbed the hand confining thing, I growled as he approached me with it, he eyed me, annoyed at my continued aggressiveness.

He reached down and I scooted away.

"Enough! I've been lenient! Why do you insist on turning against me whenever I do something!" He yelled, I flinched at his voice and moved further away, he had it wrong, I don't appreciate being confined or threatened, and I especially hate it when the collar gets pulled.

"Why do you insist on being...." I stopped myself, not wanting to anger him, the words 'a mean mutt' on the edge of my tongue. "On being mean" I quietly put in, his sharp eyes watched me.

With one swift motion he grabbed one of my arms, terror gripped me, did he somehow read my thoughts?!

I struggled against him, yelling at him to let me go, he ignored my pathetic attempts and grabbed my other arm, pulling them both behind me as I struggled to get myself free.

He quickly snared my hands into the leather ball and I dropped back down on the couch, glaring up at him hatefully.

"You go from behaved to troublesome so quickly, it really is quite a bother" he growled, watching me in frustration.

"You get what you give" I muttered, he gave a mock nod.

"I see, so I give off a very loud, angry, little slave vibe do I?" He asked sarcastically.

"Worse" I stated, he seemed up for the challenge.

"How so?" He asked.

"Misinformed, short circuited, big dog vibe" I muttered, he seemed to have been expecting something else.

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