A thing

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Once what Julian was watching on TV finished, he lowered me onto the floor and stood up.

"Stay" he commanded lightly, he headed upstairs, I sat, on the floor.

I listened, he wasn't being loud enough to hear, yet, I could still hear his thumping footsteps as he came back downstairs, he carried the towels and blanket.

He ruffled my hair as he walked past, I didn't much care for it, he headed into the room with the washing machine and dryer.

A few minutes passed and a machine began whirring to life, he tripped back out and examined me.

I had relaxed by now, I am to behave myself, so I'm doing nothing wrong, which means he can't lash out at me.

I tensed slightly when he approached, it was unnoticeable to him, I didn't want him to see my fear now.

"Stand up" he commanded, in a softer tone of voice, I immediately obeyed, my head bowed, my body small.

My shoulder throbbed at the movement, I ignored it.

"Come" he said, I followed him to the front door, he brought his phone out and checked it, he hummed slightly.

He was worried.

"Actually..." He mumbled, he doubled back and walked to the kitchen, I followed after him.

"Sit" he commanded, he rifled through the fridge and dropped a piece of fruit into my lap.

"Eat that" he grumbled, I picked it up and eyed him, waiting for him to try to feed it to me, he barely noticed my look, heading back out to the door.

After some time of nibbling on the juicy fruit the door was swung open, Julian sounded excited.

"Kate! Sweetheart! How'd everything go?" Asked Julian, I could hear her let out a small giggle.

"Everything's fine, the doctor said not to worry to much, as long as I don't make a habit of being stressed and scared" reassured Kate, she walked in and nearly passed the kitchen.

"Oh! There you are! Are you ok Claire?" She asked, her eyes were soft, concerned, how nice of her, but she's a bit late.

"Yes" I responded simply, I gave her a weak smile and waved, she was Julian's fiancé, it'd be rude of me to not be polite.

Being rude is not what I need.

"Oh, are you sure? I know that it was super scary for you yesterday" she said, examining me.

She missed the worst of it.

I nodded and used the fruit as a distraction.

"Oh honey, don't worry, she's just in a bit of shock, you saw how bad Noelle was, just give her a moment" explained Julian, Kate slowly nodded, eyeing me with concern.

I avoided her eyes and concentrated on the fruit, listening as Julian ushered her upstairs, telling her that she needs to rest.

I lowered the fruit and stared at the ground, I felt like crying, yet my eyes were dry.

"Yes Kate it'll be fine! You get some rest love, have you eaten? Oh that's good! I'll be back then ok?" I could hear Julian speaking, Kate's voice much softer then his.

I could hear him coming downstairs, he stopped in the doorway.

"Up! We're going for a walk" he said, I stood and approached him, I didn't want to go for a walk, my legs to wobbly and weak to walk on.

I didn't care as he attached the chain leash, the dainty chain jingling as it was held up.

He walked and I followed, my head down, staring at his feet, the fruit held in my hand.

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