Gifted love

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Kate spent some time on the couch, I sat beside it.

She suddenly stood up, I looked up at her in surprise, she walked into another room, I quickly stood up, curious.

It had a... Washing machine and Dryer, as well as a sink, I eyed it all curiously, one of the machines was beeping.

I couldn't tell which one was which.

She emptied clothes into a strange white basket and carried it outside, she began to hang it up in the backyard, I hadn't noticed the strange metal tree.

She hummed to herself as she clipped the clothes onto the metal tree, I decided to enjoy the backyard, it was a warm autumn day for once.

I looked at the shed and the crumbled door, the flimsy metal stood no chance against Julian.

I headed deeper into the garden, it was neat and well cared for, everything was healthy and vibrant.

There was a small hole, big enough for a large rabbit or cat, it seemed to be made by someone hitting it very hard.

I returned to Kate, bored from my lackluster adventure.

She headed back inside, shoving some towels and bed stuff into the machine, pressing some buttons.

I returned to the TV room, looking around curiously, without Julian around, I felt a little more incited to explore, and ignore the anxiety bubbling in my chest.

I examined a new room, it held various pictures of animals, especially lizards and snakes.

I left the room, planning on exploring the room under the stairs, the front door opened, I watched as Julian walked in.

He had his hands full.

He gave me a smile, dropping a bag beside the couch and walking towards me, the anxiety calmed quickly once I saw him.

He handed me a large cup, I experimentally drank from the straw, it was a milkshake! I've never felt so happy from a gift before.

Kate came through, Julian handed her a small box, she looked at me as I happily drank the tasty drink.

I glanced at the bag, I could see something poking out, it kind of looked like a collar, I went to approach.

Julian grabbed my arm, giving me a strange smile.

"Hey! Let's watch a movie!" He exclaimed.

He pulled me over to the couch, I barely got a chance to look at the bag, it looked like a shock collar.

I shook the idea from my head, it's probably not, I don't know a lot of things, it could be used for repairs, or a machine.

He sat me on his lap, my gut twisted, I wasn't allowed on the couch.

"Sire, you said..." I began, he chuckled and ruffled my hair, I held the cold drink nervously.

"You're allowed on my lap, not the actual couch" he explained, he leant against the arm rest, brushing my hair with his fingers.

The movie was a fair bit entertaining.

By dinner I had a plan, I wasn't going to be eating on the floor.

They set up the plates, I smiled up at Julian.

"Can I sit on your lap to eat?" I asked, he looked at me thoughtfully, laughing quietly.

"You know what, yea, do it" he chuckled, he lifted me onto his lap, I eagerly sat, glad my plan worked.

"But I have to feed you then" he said with a chuckle, I paused and glared up at him.

He held a fork full of food to my face, I irritably took it, at least I'm sitting at the table, Kate was giggling at us lovingly.

After dinner he picked me up into his arms, I was confused.

"I need to work on some issues, let's give you a bath, we need to work on some trust issues" he tutted, I gulped and looked at Kate.

She seemed a little worried but sighed.

"What if you get sick or fall into horse poo! And I'm the only one home, its something that needs work" he explained, I was confused, at one point he was willing enough for me to have a bath myself, now he's going to be in control of it?

He carried me upstairs and set up the bath, perspiration gently rose up from the hot water.

He approached me carefully, he removed the collar, that was fine.

He grabbed my shirt and my shoulder, making sure I didn't jump backwards.

My body flinched and attempted to reel backwards, I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, having spent so long not dealing with the trauma had made it so much worse.

I could feel his head beside mine, he gently began lifting the shirt, I must be imagining it, in my terrified state, it felt like his wolf form was baring its teeth down at my shoulder, ready to bite.

I was trembling, my breathing picking up, he seemed to ignore it.

He finally picked me up and carried my into the warm bath. My trembling was easing a little, I could deal with him washing me.

I covered myself with my hands, embarrassed and a little annoyed, I can bathe myself.

"Oh don't be so caught up on it, I don't care about your naked body" he pointed out, I sighed, not willing to move my hands, somehow his words hurt.

It was a quick bath, he pulled me out and wrapped a towel around me, I hugged it tightly to myself, taking deep breaths.

It was humiliating and embarrassing, I may not understand the bath mechanisms, but I can learn.

It felt like he needed to be in control of everything about me.

He brought In some new clothes, he dressed me, why's he doing everything, if this is a trust thing, then it makes little sense.

He led me from the bathroom, he left me standing in his room, I waited anxiously, why's he being even weirder?

He carried in the collar he brought yesterday, attached to it was a metal tag, it hung loosely from the metal loop, I eyed it in confusion, he quickly grabbed me and I tried to squirm away.

He pinned me against him and held my arms down in one motion, he tightened the collar and he let me go, he crouched down and touched the piece of metal, examining it, with a nod he stood back up.

"What was that about?!" I demanded, he ignored my words and went off to have his own shower.

Kate soon joined him, I shuddered, gross.

I curled up under the blanket, breathing heavily, exhausted and mentally drained, that was unfair, why's he being so much more controlling, is it because I've been hanging around Kate more?

Now that I think about it, is that why he had me sit on his lap? Because he wanted to be near me, or wanted to be in control of me?

I shook my head, there's no point fussing over this, I'll only make myself distracted.

Besides, it could be that he's future wife is pregnant and he wants to make sure he's ready.

The thought made me laugh, I giggled to myself, I fell silent as they entered the room, laughing and giggling to each other.

I peeked out and gasped, quickly covering myself again, they were putting on their sleep wear, but I got a pretty good view from my position, I felt dirty.

"Oh, get over it, you're fine" came Julian's response.

I huffed, they soon joined me in bed, Julian holding me tightly against himself, Kate moved in and kissed him for a solid minute before cuddling up to us and seeming ready to sleep.

I rolled my eyes and tried to sleep.

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