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I staggered back, clutching my chest, I examined the wound and let out a shaky sigh, the wound was to high and to far right, it missed my vitals.

I turned around, clutching the bleeding wound, Sarah was screaming, the fighting had stopped, everyone staring at the furious girl.

I staggered up to her, I would be fine, if I stopped moving, yet, I don't think I'll quit yet.

She hurried to me, talking fast and sobbing, I couldn't understand a word, I turned around and eyed the surprised faces.

I gazed at them, our history was a troublesome one, we are the ones who caused the non humans to bring us down in the first place, now here we are doing everything in reverse.

I stumbled to the edge of the stairs, all those years of me pretending to be a mighty warrior plagued my mind, all those history lessons I've had which showed me what humans did.

"Hey! Listen up, you're all following my sister, but this chaos was kind of what I wanted, minus the blood, This was supposed to be my thing, Sarah" I called out, looking back at my heartbroken sister.

"But tell me, who were the ones who enslaved who first?" I asked the crowd, clutching my bleeding wound, the humans dropped their gazes.

"Us" I informed them.

"Who tormented and hunted who first?" I asked again, my voice becoming strained, I looked at Julian through the corner of my eye, he seemed confused, I wouldn't be surprised if he was never taught this.

"Us" I stated.

"Our history was huge, we did incredible things" I pointed out, the crowd watched me, a bleeding girl.

"Who's towns and cities are these" I asked the crowd, everyone seemed to become energetic at this question.

"Ours! We built them! Long before they came around!" Roared the crowd, I nodded, that was a fact.

"Now, a few hundred years have passed, and we up sized places, which were once ours, to better fit these 7 ft people, once we were made slaves." I explained, my hand felt weird with drying blood over it.

I looked down the street where Noelle was signing that contract, I smiled to myself, feeling light headed.

I stumbled backwards slightly, hands rushed to catch me.

I howled out Noelle's name, just like Julian had taught me, my body hurt and my breathing ragged, I could see Noelle running, rushing up to meet us, Sarah began crying again.

I collapsed in a heap, my breathing rapid, I needed to slow it down, I haven't reached severe levels of blood loss yet, I have to calm down, Noelle acted quickly, pulling off my jacket and shirt, using the shirt to press against the wound and trying the jacket around my body to keep pressure on the wound.

"Why! Why! Do you have any idea of what I went through! Why does it have to be you! Please sis!" Screamed Sarah, she was loud and desperate, her terror doing nothing to calm me.

"Relax!" Came a sharp command from Julian, it worked like magic, my breathing began to slow and my body shook less, I guess relying on him for my safety has definitely had some strange consequences.

I lay still, everyone had fallen quiet, surprised by Julian's command, Sarah was sobbing hysterically and Noelle was desperately trying to find a way to have me carried without causing my injuries further agitation.

The world fell silent for a little bit, I wished I had the strength to move my head or speak, footsteps approached, I listened intently, people came into view, I struggled to examine them.

It took me a second to realise that it hadn't gone quiet, I just couldn't hear properly, it must be from the shock.

I watched people rush about, some humans could be heard faintly screaming and shouting.

I was hoisted onto a strange bed like thing which was carried between two people.

Julian, Sarah and Noelle followed closely, my eyes went black. 

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