Summary so far plus extras!

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Where are we?

We are in a small town called Harow, in one of many 'city clusters' called Jarnua.

To understand the route that's been taken and why everyone was so quick to get there, its best to imagine a semi circle, the line being the beginning and ending at north and south.

The circle represents one half of the cluster, it is the cluster that Julian is required to check over every few months to ensure the cameras are ok, there are of course others doing that over the other months.

We reached the end of the journey and took a detour to the colony by going diagonally and not just straight up the line, meaning we headed back into the semi circle.

We reached the town which is where most diplomats and council members stay.

Why are we here?

We are here because Julian's work requires him to go around his sector (half) of the city cluster, he was given a 'human fund' to buy himself a slave to help, as he tends to actively enjoy his job, (so its a reward).

The humans began the fight thanks to Sarah, who escaped the 'owner' thanks to Claire releasing the sick human, who later rescued Sarah.

She was starving and beaten, the 'owner' was working her to death and barely feeding her, she wouldn't have survived if not for Claire releasing the sick human (here's some extra info for ya).

Claire at the end of the battle decided to use Sarahs arguments against the fighters, as Sarah always was firm in her belief in the non humans and them having their reasons.

Who is who?

Claire: the main character, sister to Sarah, Julian's slave and pet.

Julian: main character, employed, owner to Claire.

Noelle: Colony's next chieftain, best friend to Sarah and Claire, diplomat.

Sarah: Claire's Sister.

Lord Herven: a lord, owner to many human pets and has lots of friends in high places.

Horst: Julian's friend and colleague.

The boss (Davy): Horst and Julian's employer, council member.

The Judge (Kif): friend to Herven and a judge.

Vampire (Toto): sold his slave to Herven, works as a freelancer servant.

Rex: Claire's boyfriend.

Missy (Miserable): Claire's friend.

Kate: ? Character locked

How and why the fight began?

Humans long ago ruled the planet (this is a future to our time), when suddenly we learnt of the existence of vampires, elves, werewolves and orcs.

We were cruel to them, enslaving them first, there even was a time the government lied about why soldiers kept killing the ones living in the woods and forests, the lie was that they wanted to ensure public safety, the truth being they found it fun.

So the non humans rose up and brought civilisation to its knees, humans escaping into small 'colony's' all around the world, slowly being picked off and enslaved.

After a few hundred years, human history was forcibly forgotten, with everyone alive today not knowing of the things that had happened, yet humans had managed to claim books and listen to tales woven about human history.

At that point the vision of a human wasn't an animal but a killing machine, or heartless beasts.

Sarah was in a terrible state when she was rescued, her and the sick human went around, eating out of the trash and sneaking off with forgotten or dying slaves, she grew more hate filled with every story told, she decided to fight a revolution, she thought they could go to a small town and run an ambush.

The hate clouded her judgement, there wasn't enough humans and none of them were strong enough, all they had on their side was desperation and anger, which kept them going until Claire interrupted.

Who started it?

Everyone's at fault, its inconclusive.

Yet, if we go back far enough, it was the humans.

Little extra, what does it mean by community service, they're slaves!

Well, Slaves jobs range from many different kinds, so the ones that revolted will be worse, some will be required to work deep in the sewers cleaning them for the non humans, other gets enslaved into good will programs, such as helping the homeless, doing the dirty and hard work.

Some can abuse the system and make humans build things without any assistance, because if a human hurts themselves, no one is at fault, they are still human, not seen as a people, injuries from falling, tripping, having stuff fall and crush their hands and feet, no one gets in trouble.

Its not a great system, yet its far better then being locked in a cell, having people throw slop at you and then having your throat slit.

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