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I curled up into myself, the adrenaline slowly wore off, my body ached and shook.

I'm not sure what scared me most, nearly being killed by a rampaging wolf, which nobody could stop or really felt obliged enough to stop.

Or his impending anger.

The sounds of chatter faded, I could hear people saying goodbye, leaving.

Some laughter could be heard, the faint trickle of chatter could be heard.

"Why does she need to be in time out? She's not a kid?" Came Noelle's voice.

"Come blossom, I'll carry you to the carriage, your too shaken up to walk" came Davy's voice, I smiled softly, he's pretty great to her.

Bitterness, I shouldn't feel so jealous, so envious.

Julian can be nice, he can be sweet.

He taught me a werewolf dance.

He helped me see my sister.

He helped let her live.

So what if I may have put Kate in danger.

So what if I may have played a part in ruining his baby shower.

So what.

He can't be completely mad at me.

I tried to be good, I tried.

I didn't expect his ex to come.

How was I supposed to know that her fuse was shorter then others.

The wind picked up, I don't think many people are left.

"Are you sure Julian? This doesn't sit right with me" came Jolly's voice.

"It'll be fine, besides she needs time to get checked up, I don't want all this to cause any issues with the pregnancy" came Julian's voice, I guess they're talking about Kate.

"I'll take her to the hospital to make sure everything's still going fine, but you behave yourself, I'd hate for anything to happen to that child, she only meant well by you" said Jolly.

My gut twisted, Kate's going to get checked up, that's no good.

I hope everything will be ok.

I don't want to be alone with him.

I don't want to.

The door closed, I could hear horses and quiet chatter, the carriage groaned as it was pulled ahead, my heart dropped and my breathing grew shaky.

Don't leave me.

The sun was beginning to set, it was cold in the dirt, I wanted to move to the grass, but fear anchored me there.

I listened to the leaves rustle in the wind, it was nearly peaceful.

The back door could be heard opening.

I didn't glance up, I could hear footsteps getting closer, I was nudged with a foot.

"Get up, walk inside" he growled, his face was expressionless, I slowly stood up, I hugged myself as I was marched inside.

He grabbed something and tossed it to me, it landed on me, it was familiar, I carefully pulled it off and eyed it, my old rag.

"Get changed" he commanded.

I looked around, really wishing I had some privacy.


I slowly got changed, I felt sick, this all started because I needed to go toilet.

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