Getting to eat

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He walked back in as morning came, I hadn't gotten any sleep, the cold soaking into my bones, which isn't very hard, seeing as I'm just skin and bones.

He brushed his teeth in the sink and ignored me, my shivering body had dried a little bit, the wet towel being of no help.

He finally finished and approached me, my teeth chattering and my body shivering.

He pulled me to my feet, the warmth of his hand nearly stinging against my freezing flesh, he pulled his hand away.

"Cold" he complained, I glared at him.

"Really?" I growled, my voice coming out weird through my chattering teeth, I even forgot I was naked in front of him.

He had a dry towel and roughly pulled it over my body, grumbling about not wanting to get the hotel room wet.

He flipped the rag over my head and it wetly hung towards the ground, at least I was covered again, the towel was used to dry my rag, he ended up searching for a hairdryer to dry it, he did and I loved it, the warmth of the air feeling great against me.

He did the best he could and tied the towel around me, it was huge, built for an adult of a much larger size, he led me out of the room with a hand around my arm.

He had me sit on the bed, I was actually kind of ok with that, it was warm.

He began to get changed out of his pajamas, I looked away, I couldn't believe how he did it with such ease in front of me.

He got changed and picked out the stuff he had gotten with me.

I watched him suspiciously, keeping an eye on the whips.

He grabbed the hand confining object and approached me, I wriggled away which was difficult, he easily grabbed me and flipped me onto my stomach, pinning me down and began to untie the ropes, a terrible pain began to flare up as the ropes loosened, I howled for him to stop, he ignored me the ropes fell off and I pressed my face into the blanket, biting my tongue to stop me from sobbing.

"What the fuck?" He commented, he lifted me back up into a sitting position, I painfully lifted my hands in front of my face, the ropes had dug into my wrists, wearing the skin out, so many blood clots covered the area, it was red and unhealthy looking, the cold shower was probably good for it.

I wasn't going to let myself get emotional over this, don't get upset.

He walked to a set of drawers and pulled out something, I couldn't quite catch the writing, but it seemed to be a first aid kit left in the hotel room for guests.

He grabbed my arm and I pulled it back desperately.

"I told you not to touch me!" I claimed, he ignored me and applied some antibacterial cream, wrapping a bandage around it, he did the same with the other, I let him do that one without a fight, its just a bandage, I can't get upset over something so simple.

He grabbed both my hands in one of his hands and stuffed them into the special leather ball, I writhed and struggled against him, but he's a werewolf, easily 20 times my own strength.

He tightened the wrist clamps, it was much looser then the rope had been, my hands clasped together, like I was in a constant praying position.

"What are you going to gain doing this" I grumbled, his eyes met mine, I held eye contact, not willing to submit.

"Not being killed in my sleep" he answered simply.

"You're not asleep" I pointed out bitterly.

He clenched his sharp teeth angrily.

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