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The bright light blinded me and the world was somehow moving, Noelle was sitting beside me, a smile on her face.

Her arm was in a strange white thing, which was in a sling, she examined me and smiled.

"Welcome back love, you've had a lot of work done on ya! Apparently you have fractured ribs which were all flared up, and they put a new dressing on the stab wound and all those glass shards in you that they had to pull out one by one!..." She carried on, barely stopping to breath.

"You ok?" She finally asked, I gave her a smile, my mind felt empty.

"I will be" I told her, she looked at me and gave me a sad smile.

"Just get some rest" she murmured, she brushed my hair out of my face.

"Oh and I can't wait to show you the news, its full of humans!" She said, giggling with some untold secret, I felt sleep claw at me and lay down, she stared at me for a second.

She gave me a kiss on the lips and giggled as she skipped out.

"What was that!" I called out, my voice hoarse.

"Rex asked me to give you a gift!" She cheekily said, standing at the doorway.

"I know him, he probably just asked you to say, that he loves me" I muttered, she laughed and shut the door behind her.

I woke up to the sound of tapping, Davy sat beside me, reading through a book, he gave me a grin and patted my good shoulder.

"Awake again? The doctors have you drugged up, because of the surgeries, especially from the glass, those are still being looked at to ensure they didn't miss anything, don't want to risk any infection.

Your bite marks are going to scar... He uh... Really didn't hold back huh" explained Davy, his voice growing sad.

"So, where is he?" I asked, he examined me quietly.

"Well he's at home" stated Davy.

"Why?" I asked, it was bizarre to think that he'd not be around me.

"Because, its where he should be" stated Davy, I stared up at the ceiling, confused by my own feelings.

I know I had grown used to him, I wasn't necessarily innocent here, I did kill someone, who probably wasn't even my father.

I didn't understand why I cared, I shouldn't, yet some of the small things he did mattered to me.

Doing research on what I told him.

Played in the leaves with me.

He removed the hand bindings.

He protected me and held me.

I sighed and looked at Davy, he was watching me, concern on his face.

"I know you probably have some pretty harsh feelings on him, from what I heard, he came clean to Kate about the things she didn't know about, she's pretty upset with him" explained Davy.

I could understand that, she was very upset with him just when he yelled at me, to know that he did those things would really concern her.

I hope it doesn't hurt his relationship.

What even am I thinking!

I shouldn't care.

Davy's hand stroked my hair gently and I let myself sleep.

Noelle stood in front of me, handing me a present, I grab it and her hands go behind her back, she leant forward and gave me a kiss.

I stumbled back and turned to Davy, he gave me a peck, I shook my head and I was in a different place, the present clutched in my hand.

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