Coming storm

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Julian handed me another white orb herb thing, I swallowed it, there was no way that he was going to poison me, he needs me alive, he did buy me to help with his job, not that I've done anything yet.

He busied himself with sorting through his bag, I eyed the whips warily, he said he wouldn't hurt me, I don't have any faith in his words, I have no choice but to hold him to his word, until I get a chance to escape.

He grabbed the backpack that Herven had bought me, I watched as he stuffed the human kibble and water pouches into it, the leather ball hand confining thing and the whips, he handed it to me, telling me to put it on, I hesitantly obeyed, I winced as it made contact with my back, I would have yelled at him if we weren't in the town, I didn't want to hear anyone's opinion on how to punish me.

He pulled his bag onto his back and straightened his back.

He led me through the town, we quickly made it to the main road and walked, I moved a lot quicker now that I had shoes on.

Why do you need to check on the.... Cam...ras?" I asked.

"Cameras, because we need to keep an eye on the natural ecosystem, keep an eye on what animals are breeding and if there's any outside forces messing with it, like illegally hunting or unknown pests" explained Julian, he kept his eyes forward, he always seems so eager to discuss this stuff.

We advanced towards the border tower, I eyed it angrily, a part of me wanting to punch the guard.

We walked quietly, I spent the time concentrating on walking in a way that didn't flare up any pain.

"Not complaining today?" Asked Julian, we were walking up the hill, I eyed him in confusion.

"Oh don't worry, I will, I will" I reassured him.

"Great, shouldn't have asked" he groaned, my breathing was heavy and my legs were growing sore.

"Actually I might now" I Stated, he gave me 'don't you dare' look, I smiled sweetly.

"Yes I think I will, Mr wolf, because I'm sore and I need a rest" I told him, he sighed and stopped walking.

"At least your able to walk longer distances every day or else I'd sell ya back to that trader" he grumbled, I hadn't realised, I looked at the distance, and amazed myself, I was getting further, I must be gaining my strength back.

"You can't, she doesn't take refunds, you'd have to send me straight to the mines" I told him, he seemed confused.

"The mines?" He asked.

"Yea, if we stay with a trader for a week we get sent to the mines, or if someone tries to get a refund, the human gets taken to the mines and no money is exchanged" I explained, he nodded in understanding.

"Huh, I don't think you'd of made it into anyone's good books in the mines, you wouldn't make it" he stated, at some point we had begun walking again, the short break a relief.

"Of course not! If they think I'm going to be digging, they'll hear about my feelings on it!" I exclaimed.

"I know, a gag would be so good to have" he said, a wistful sigh escaping his lips.

"You try to gag me and I'll bite ya!" I threatened, he turned towards me and reached out, I jumped back and glared at him.

"No touch!" I exclaimed.

"A wolf has a lot worse of a bite then a little human girl" he pointed out.

"Nope! Being bitten with thicker teeth over sharper teeth hurts more!" I exclaimed, he gave me a funny look.

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