No looking back

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I stared at the dead elf, her blood red, running from a wound not to different from the one I left on Eugene.

Silence filled the area, non humans rushed forth, gasping and screaming at the sight, I was drawn to the dead elf, not out of any real emotion, but confusion, I've never seen a non human dead,

I stared at her, the way her body lifelessly lay there, the white hair flowing along the ground like a snow covered creek, I looked up at Julian and his horrified expression, a terrible feeling twisted in my gut.

The area fell silent for a second, I looked around, a male vampire fell to the ground, his throat slit.

I took a deep breath, this felt like an ambush, ones we prepared for since children, except this didn't feel like the non humans doing and they didn't seem to know how to react.

They've never needed to deal with these situations before.

I could tell by the silence and horror on their faces, and the fact they were concentrating on the spot the man was murdered.

If this was an ambush, there will be more around, they ambusher's knew to attack in intervals, confuse the enemy.

I never knew a childhood class on surviving and creating ambushes would come in handy in this kind of situation.

I looked at Julian, the smile of a well hidden person easily visible, my legs moved me forward, the person moved up to get a large sharp stick through Julian's back.

"Ambush!" I shrieked, just as I was taught to, I dived at the makeshift spear and threw it and the attacker to the ground, the crowd quickly began to scream and run.

Why'd I do it?

I wasn't taught that.

To defend the enemy, to go in solo.

To care about a dumb, controlling wolf.

I rolled away and gripped my chest, it throbbed from the impact, Julian rushed to me.

"Pup! What's going on!? You didn't get hurt did you?" Called out Julian he had his hand on my shoulder and was examining me, he looked concerned.

The world felt weird, maybe it was just the adrenaline and the rush of violence, I looked at him.

"Don't touch" I tutted, an obnoxious smile on my face.

I stood up properly and looked around, non humans were fleeing around, humans were rushing in and attacking, it felt weirdly backwards, even though I was the kid who always imagined beating them up and taking my place as an equal, this was what I wanted.


I didn't want anyone to die, even as a furious preteen with visions of battle cries and victories, I just wanted to punch some people and be respected.

This is wrong, this is a slaughter.

People scrambled to escape, while the humans hacked at them, blind hatred.

The humans looked furious, hateful and insane, blinded by pasts of violence and abuse, neglect and cruelty.

I stumbled forward, Julian was by my side, the scene was a bloodbath.

The sight of the non humans fighting back didn't make me feel any better, everyone was to blame, this wasn't an ambush built from nothing.

I let my eyes wander, trying to find whoever was in charge, whoever was giving the commands.

We needed to end this.

It all felt slow, my mind felt odd, like I wasn't myself.

Julian growled lowly but didn't make any moves to become defensive, Yet.

I saw her.

Standing above the scene, at the top of some stairs, watching the scene with a hateful gaze, I never thought I'd see that look on her face.

She was always sweet, kind, the peace maker, the one who told me that violence wouldn't win, Noelle was diplomacy, I was the warrior, and Sarah was the love that could unite everyone.

Her face scarred, she'd lost a lot of weight, she wore the clothes of a non human, I hated seeing my big sister in such a state.

What did she go through? What kind of sister am I to not think about her?

It may be ingrained in us to block out those kinds of feelings and thoughts, but I didn't even worry for her, I let her down, I said I'd protect her, and I didn't even think of her.

I moved forward through the crowd, watching the scene, my mind returning to me.

"Hey, sire, can you help me get to my sister" I muttered, he looked at me and at the stairs.

"Uh, this isn't really the time for a family reunion, though you won't back down on this, will you? How about, you be my pet and I'll take the risk" he bargained, I smiled at him.

"I'd like that" I stated honestly, he looked about to argue, his face immediately changed.

"Um ok, before anyone actually notices we're actually here" he mumbled, commenting on the fact no one was attacking us, that wasn't it, they weren't attacking because of me, a human standing casually beside a wolf who didn't even hold on to the leash.

They wanted me to attack, which I had no intention of doing, I kinda wanted to look forward to a dependant lifestyle, I don't think I was against viewing Julian as someone I care about, I would never attack him.

Someone shouted behind us, Sarah looked over, her eyes widening, she looked happy for a split second, then protective, then angry, then horrified.

"Traitor!" Screamed a voice.

I turned around slowly, the person I attacked to defend Julian was charging me, a knife in her hand, pain erupted through my chest, Julian snarled and Sarah screamed, I held my chest and snarled right back, I wasn't going to let him kill the human, more death will not be on my hands.

(This chapter was written slightly differently to depict how 3 minutes can appear like such a long time to someone in such a tense and dangerous situation)

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