Author's Conclusion

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; Famy- Ava


There you have it, the end of the end, this book is now officially finished and 100% completed.

There were a lot of tears, a lot of thinking, a lot of procrastinating because I wasn't sure about some scenes and the ending.

Ultimately, this ending has been thought off since I wrote the first book, of course back then, I had no idea what Avengers: Endgame was about.

So when it came out, I had to figure out a way to make it work.

Honestly, I never wanted Tony or Natasha to die.

(Can we please talk about how they did Natasha dirty and just killed her off and there wasn't even a funeral?)

But anyway, I had to follow the movies in a way and incorporated my character inside without it seeming too crowded.

Ultimately, Lorelie/Darkling's ending has always meant to be like that.

She is erased from existence, thus, the original MCU goes back to normal, without her and I don't break any rules in terms of 'fanfiction' hah.

It was a cool concept and I wanted to play around with it, which I did, even though it took a fair amount of thinking.

Because of YOU guys, and your thoughts about my character, I wrote it in a way, where she slowly forgives and others slowly forgives her too.

You can see it, when she decides to save Loki.

You can see it, when she decides to save Nebula.

You can see it, when she decides to save her family.

In a way, what I'm trying to say is sometimes shit happens, yeah you can hold a grudge but how long will that last until you eventually get tired of it?

At the same time, I also want to draw attention to the toxicity of families.

As Lorelie/Darkling said, some families can be toxic but its the ones that don't learn that is the most dangerous.

Lucky for us, the Avengers, did learn ;)

Of course there was another way the story could have gone (She was gonna go very dark and continue trying to kill her family) BUT I decided there was no need for that.

I can make her just as brutal as she is good so its a win win. 

Plus, I think we were getting tired of her hiding things from them right?

So you see, honesty and truth go hand in hand, whether it be in real life or fiction. If you ever feel put in position like Lorelie/Darkling did, speak up, if your friends or family really love you they will try to understand just like her family did.

If they don't, well... like I said, sometimes you need to cut off from toxic people in order to grow. :)


Thank you for reading this book, thank you for finishing, thank you for waiting, thank you for being Lorelie/Darkling's supporter all this while.

Who knows, she might come back.

She's the Guardian of the Infinity Stones, the different realities are all there for the picking.

She's alive isn't she?


~Love, Aurelia.

*Silently thinking if I should write a bonus scene*

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