Chapter 10

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; (xxxtentacion- Changes)

DATE; 12/03/2002



It never gets easier. At least I don't think.

I'm not suppose to feel they say.

I was the Dark Witch, I shouldn't feel.

But sometimes, when I'm lucky, I start remembering.

Its hard and the pieces are normally brittle but whenever it happens, I try my best to keep them at heart.

However the more I do this, the more I start feeling, the more I start acting out of my training and giving them excuses to put me back in that blasted chair.

I didn't want that. So I pretend. I pretend I was their perfect Assassin.

I pretend my training is solid and hope to god they don't take that away from me.

But it's hard.

It's hard because when I kill, my body trembles. My fingers shake.

It's hard because I can't hide it forever.

There was only ever one person who noticed it. Who noticed what I was feeling and saw the hesitation through the mask I built.

He confronted me about it on numerous occasions. The results are always the same.

He tells them and they put me back in the chair.

I become emotionless after a few months and then it restarts all over.

Like a nightmare.

"Target acquired."

Peering through my mask, I took noticed of the Winter Soldier's words, keeping my eyes trained on the fast moving vehicle in front of us.

"They are moving quickly."

We share the words in the Russian, the two of us understanding each other in sync.

"The Widow knows we are onto them," He tells me, glaring at the approaching lights of a vehicle.

They were curving around the bend of the mountain, getting farther away from the City.

"The Iranian engineer is located at the backseat," My echolocation gave me confirmation as my abilities did their work.

"The mountain is too narrow, we'd end up right of it," He was carefully hatching a plan, the two of us knowing our window of time is limited.

She'd evaded us back in the City. But we were prepared now and we weren't going to fail.

"Then why don't we, get them, of it?" The fact that I spoke English made the Winter Soldier's brow raise.

He was creating the scenario in his head, trying to detect any holes in the plan.

After several seconds, he nodded and pulled out a sniper rifle, his metal arm glinting under the moonlight.

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