Chapter 67

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; (Xtortion Audio- Mephisto's Lullaby) & (AfterInfinity- Vindicator)


We're back to our favorite Dark Witch.

I've forgotten, how absolutely disgusting these outriders were.

I just saw one murder the other and eat it.


Tapping my fingers absentmindedly on the surface of the window, I feel two sets of eyes staring at me from behind.

Nebula and Gamora.

The former is still chained, the only difference was that Thanos ordered Gamora to put her in de-creation room.

He means to break her and use her parts for scraps.

I'm staying in here, just to make sure that doesn't happen.

No one speaks as the Sanctuary II wheeled through the galaxy, awaiting for the one moment 2014 Nebula will open the gateway, allowing them through.

"We meet in the future,"

I de-manifested the hood, allowing my black hair to trail down my shoulders and fill my face when Gamora asks me this question.

"Is that correct?"

"Three years from now," I tilted my head, leaving my post from the glass panels showcasing the stars outside.

Nebula's eyes followed my movement as she remains seated and chained.

"You won... but why have you come back?"

2014 Gamora was more goddamn, curious then 2017 Gamora.

Perhaps she couldn't help it.

I don't blame her, it must be weird for her to see us, the future us.

"The stones decided it wanted to play a game of catch-the-mouse," I smiled sinisterly, swearing to myself then when I do get the stones, they were going to get it.

"Did the others make it?" Nebula whispered beneath her breath, her dark eyes scanning me carefully.

I stopped what I was doing which was holding onto a useless piece of metal gear and threw it aside.

"Your thread froze." Closing the gap between us, I crossed my arms over my chest and stared her down.

"I assume, the reason our reality is changing is because Thanos found out about the plan, is that correct?"

She nods.

"I also assume that they've created a carbon copy of the Pym Particle that allows them access through the Quantum Realm and that they knew the Darkling was the only way to get them through, so dear old Thanos thought I'd be coming back to help them, but just in case I didn't they got you trap here as insurance."

She nods again.

In simpler terms.

The purple thumb was expecting me to help them the moment I've become a Darkling, but just in case I didn't, they mean to use my present year Nebula against me.

The Dark Witch: Unknown (Avengers FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now