Chapter 15

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; (Ruelle- Come fly with me)

When you're a lone Darkling.

With no connections of any idea where what is what.

Things tend to not go your way.

For example.

Despite months of chaos.



I still can't find what I'm looking for.

And that is a way into Asgard.

I'm not dumb.

I know where the Space stone was.

The last time I saw it was when Thor and Loki disappeared.

Of course it would be there.

The problem I'm facing now, is getting there undetected and unhunted.

Asgard was the protector of the nine realms, it makes sense that their kingdom would be a bitch to get into.

Not only that, the only way to enter is through a rainbow bridge from what I heard.

Guarded by a gatekeeper.

Don't know who he is, don't care.

I just want to get into Asgard and retrieve the space stone so I can get on my merry way.

Who knew this mission of mine would take two years.

I'm starting to think staying with the Guardians would've made my job a hell of a lot easier.

Then again I guarantee they wouldn't have agreed to my evil plan anyway.

I see things aren't going your way. Time.

"For the love of god, you'd think having these voices in your head would get better over time, but I see it doesn't."

Someone's moody. Power.

"Shut up,"

You need rest. Space.

"Rest? What are you my Mom?"

My power flows through you, if you are depleted, I'd have no choice but to recharge you thus delaying the progress of your mission. Space.

"Way to make me sound like a battery pack."

Sitting cross legged, my shadowy cloak rest on the sides of my figure as the black lights swirled in front of me, creating a glowing mandala.

I usually do this when I want to focus and right now, my focus was at an end.

"I don't understand why this is so hard? Asgard must have a weakness. A kingdom is never a kingdom without one."

Thor didn't tell me much about his people but his father, Odin is currently ruling the throne.

Loki's dead from what I heard. Died during a battle.

The Dark Witch: Unknown (Avengers FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now