Chapter 66

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; (Steve Jablonsky- Tessa) & (Evolving Sound- Bitter End)

"Whatever happens... you can't tell her."

"She deserves to know-"

"She won't let it happen if you do,"

Tony watches Natasha in silence as the woman folds her arms over her chest, her green eyes looking down onto the Lake in fondness.

"I told you this, so you could try to avoid your death not sit back and let it happen."

He sighs exasperatedly, understanding where his sister must have gotten part of her stubbornness from.

Put a Romanoff and a Stark together, you'll have a personality that's more stubborn then a mule.

Natasha shook her head. "So you've seen me die, but not how...?"

"The vision didn't necessarily gave any pointers," The older Stark rolls his eyes, letting his sunglasses block his features from the reflection of the waters.

"Why are we even talking about this, you won't die, now that I've told you you're smart enough to avoid it right?"

When the former Russian did not respond, Tony can't help but glare at her, watching the woman continue to focus on the scenery and not him.

"Natasha," He raises his voice, successfully gaining her attention.

"You better not be thinking what I think you're thinking."

She sighs. "Come on, Tony you must have seen that vision for a reason."

"Yeah well, lucky me, because if Blues saw it, she wouldn't even think twice about helping us." He paces the length of the deck, going to peek at the compound in the distance.

He'd brought Natasha out here the minute she returned with Barton earlier on in fear of his sister catching up.

He was hoping to convince the Spy not to do anything stupid.

It broke the rules of time, but he didn't care, this was Natasha he was talking about.

"I think she knows how this will end," Natasha speaks her thoughts, eyes narrowed in thought.

"If she didn't she wouldn't have bothered."

"What are you saying?"

"That maybe Lorelie, saw the ending, but not the story leading up to it,"


The two lapse quietly, thinking and mulling it over.

"I didn't see the ending," He swallows hard. "I only saw you, so Blues couldn't have seen anything-"

"She pushed you away before you could, remember?" She raises an eyebrow at him, reminding him of what he told her earlier before.

Tony didn't know what else to say to her.

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