Chapter 32

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; (Marco Tica- This is the End)

"Corvus, how we looking there?"

Sliding through the sand, my energy blade sliced a soldier in half before I'm getting back up again and running towards the battle.

While Proxima and Obsidian handle their own line, my charge is directly in the center.

If I can reach the heart of the battlefield then it's game over for them.

"I can see it-" A thud, and a quiet slice. "It won't be long,"

Good enough for me.

Eliciting a wave of black lights, I push them forward, feeling the Wakandan soldiers disintegrate into nothing but flesh beneath my fingers.

"Quicken the pace, it won't be long until Ebony has arrived on Titan."

Powering a black hole in front of me, I stepped forward and fell over a crowd, landing gracefully on my feet.

Stringing my hands, brilliant shadows erupted out of my fingers, piercing every human it could find.

I hear their startled cries of pain as I began to pull their energy, sucking their life force dry.

It was exhilarating.

And the more I did it.

The hungrier I got.

Something latched onto the back of my suit and I'm spun backwards, landing a few feet away on my back.

"Son of a-" I scrambled up and zeroed in on who had the guts to do that to me.

Imagine my surprise when I find Natasha had pulled out her grappling hook.

"Fancy seeing you here," She mocks me.

Another familiar energy source came up behind me and I didn't have to look around to know who it was.


Were they that brave? Couldn't they see the amount of dead bodies around us?

"Well, if the two of you want to die early, that's fine by me."

"Nobody's killing anybody." She grunted, holding out her two staffs as a warning to me. "They'll get the Mind stone of, off Vision soon enough and they'll be nothing you can do."

"You sure about that?"

I feel my Protector breathing heavily behind me, metal fingers clasping onto his beloved rifle.

"I thought I told you, not to hesitate?"

I move first, sliding in between the sand and throwing dirt towards my Protector.

He shuts his eyes and turns, distracted and as that happened, I propelled myself over to Natasha, sending a roundhouse kick to her face.

The Black Widow sucks in a staggering breath before bracing me with her staffs, pushing me back with tremendous force.

I noticed she had not deployed the electrical outlet in her staffs while she stood against me.

It shows me all I need to know.

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