Chapter 25

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; (Tomme Profitt- Wake me up)

"That's the think Anthony, I don't think you will."

His heart stopped.

He knew it must have.

Because it couldn't be real.

She was dead.

She was dead, wasn't she?

And then he blinked but she never disappeared like in his nightmares.

She never faded away like what happened when he held her.

She was there.

And all Tony could think.

Was; How?

How was she alive and why now?

Tony slowly crept forward to the hull of the massive ship having gotten lost earlier on while trying to navigate through.

He heard voices and peered down from above, watching the wizard who surprised him and Pepper earlier on, hover above ground with needle-like shards pressed against his face.

The alien he dubbed as Squidward was chattering away and unknowingly, the older Stark found himself looking around the room for signs of his sister.

She wasn't here.

She must have left to collect the Mind stone with her newfound abilities and such.

Tony wasn't sure if he felt relieved that she wasn't here or relieved that she was back on Earth.

"I was already dying... I was already dying Tony and what did you do? What did you do?!"

He flinches at her voice, letting out a brittle sigh.

He thought he could stop the memories from arising but it was pointless.

Every time he thought of her, he remembered that fateful day.

The day his father's shield struck her.

The day he desperately held her to stop the bleeding.

To stop her abilities from turning her into nothing.

But it was pointless. It was pointless and he could still feel how his heart froze.

How his voice stuck in his throat and how his lungs gasp for air.

"All those nights when you'd wake up screaming. All those nights when you felt cold, alone, dead inside. That was me. I did that. I'm the girl of your nightmares."

This entire time, the girl he dream of was her.

She was the girl of darkness that haunted his dreams.

His own sister, a brutal killing machine.

The worst part was, she seemed to be doing it on her own free will.

There was no HYDRA.


No Avengers.

The Dark Witch: Unknown (Avengers FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now