Chapter 23

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; (RIX (Kevin Rix)- Wasteland)

"In all the time I've served Thanos, I've never failed him. If I were to reach our rendezvous on Titan with the Time Stone still attached to your vaguely irritating person, there would be... judgement."

The needles start to penetrate Strange's face and he winced, feeling the pain instantly.

"Give me... the stone." Ebony warned lowly, not bothering to stop as Strange began to cry out in obvious discomfort.

Rolling off my spot which was lounging on one of the prepared chairs, I huffed and made my way towards the duo.

"If there's one thing I know about humans, it's their will." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "You're not going to get the stone off, of him anytime soon."

I tried taking it off by hand but Strange's enchantment only burned through my skin, so you see, that's why we're stuck here.

I can't leave for Proxima and Corvus. Not until I absorb the Time stone.

Unfortunately, I can't do that if Master-Clown doesn't give it up.

Strange's only answer was a muffled scream as the needles dug deeper.

Oh for fucks sakes.

Spinning on my heel, I ran my hand through my hair and pulled down my mask, feeling too constricted.

For an hour now, the voices in my head continued to grow louder and louder.

I couldn't hear the stones like I usually would, it felt like they were underwater and have yet to resurface.

They're there, I just can't catch them.

It's like listening to radio static.

It seems the more I absorbed the Infinity stones, the more my powers go completely out of whack.

Reality sparked itself alive a couple minutes ago and I sensed Thanos had already gotten it.

However, despite my abilities, I felt draining.

One might assume it's because Thanos is using the stones to channel his own plan.

But the thing is, I'm connected to the stones so I felt everything he did with them.

Darkling... Space.

"Space?" I raised my head in an attempt to hear it properly.

It sounds so low. Like a whisper.

No reply.

And the voices grow back to hushed whispers.

Sighing out my frustration, I clenched my fists to keep my abilities at bay.

They've been pouring out without stopping and it was difficult to get a read on anything.

"This is getting us nowhere," I huffed, agitated.

If Time was going to be a brat, I might as well go for Mind first.

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