Chapter 19

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; (Pain- Lucas King) & (The Mystic-Adam Jensen) & (Dark Conscience- Tomme Profitt)

"Banner?" Thor steps up, confused as the small Doctor pants, out of breath and air.

The tunic bottom he wore was now massively huge and over lapping over his figure as he laid on the ground, large necklaces around his neck, practically weighing him down.

"Hey, hey, you alright?" Thor crouches down to help but the sudden touch causes Banner to recoil in panic, arms flying about.

I stretch my hand forward in hopes to control his feigning panic but stop when the arm band around my arm jolts, warning me of the electricity I'm going to hit myself with.

That and the fact that I was about to try and calm him down.

I didn't have that power anymore. I couldn't help him like last time.

I could only amplify his raging emotions and turn it against him. That, was my power.

Staring at Banner's distressed face now, I wish it wasn't.

I... I couldn't do anything.

"Sun's going down, sun's going down!" Thor shushes, making Banner slowly relax at the sight of a familiar face. "That's it, breath. I won't hurt you."

"Thor?" Banner's raspy voice called out, eyes squinting as though in disbelief. "What happened to your hair?"

"Some creepy old man cut it off," The god of thunder replied, smiling.

"It looks good."

Well, leave it to them to start conversation at a rather crucial time.

"Who are you?" Banner turns to me as his defenses raise themselves like nobody's business.

"Thor, I'll be outside." I speak to the god, lowering my head, the mask muffling my voice although I'm sure the black in my eyes have gone way beyond my iris. "I can't stay here, he's affected by what I am."

Thor glances between the two of us and nods in understanding once he got what I meant.

A Darkling projects dark energy and right now Bruce doesn't need that.

So without looking back, I left the Quinjet through the gaping hole and waited outside, opting to sit against an array of junk just mindlessly strewn around.

"Space?" I called out, once I was an earshot away. My feet are crossed together and my hands clasp in front of me as I awaited a reply.

Space was my power source, it made sense why I would call to it.

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