Chapter 4

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Youtube Playlist: (The Dark Witch: Unknown)

Song; (Sad epic emotional music- Farewell Life)

The world was spinning.

The sounds were muffled.

"I gotta put her in the water!"

That voice. So familiar.

"No, this is where you zip it! Alright? The adult is talking!"

No. No, where am I?

Where did I go?

Why was I hearing these things?

"Stop." It was meaningless. The voices didn't stop. The voices never left me.

Blurry images strike my vision, colorful events that happened in both the past and present.

"What do you want from me?"

For you to understand...

The voice replied.

I felt my entire being slowed to a stop. The spinning ceased and my ears eventually unblocked themselves.

I was floating, or hovering, I wasn't sure.

But all I could see was darkness.

Just black, endless darkness that stretched on for miles and miles.

There was no way out.

No way to go.

I was stuck.

"Where am I?" My voiced echoed loudly, rebounding back almost instantly.

A place that doesn't exist. A place that rejects all logic and matter...

The cold wind blew in my face and I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Why am I here?"

I sounded like a shell of a person I once was. I sounded like... her...

The old me.

The one who's gone through too much and became this... monster.

You need to be shown. You need to be proven.

"Proven what?" I yelled, so angry with how the tables have turned.

The voices did not reply.

"Proven what?!" I repeated, yelling loudly, hoping to get a reaction.

My body was pulled harshly against the darkness and the sudden movement causes me to cry out, bitter pain crawling up my veins and to my temple.

What did they want from me?

What did they want to show me?

Make it stop!


The ground beneath me shakes and there's loud turbulence.

The Dark Witch: Unknown (Avengers FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now